The world of Dr. Stone features Senku Ishigami as he strives to rebuild humanity from scratch after the whole world is petrified. While the genius scientist Senku may be the star of the show, his father, Byakuya Ishigami, played a pivotal role in shaping his son's intellect and determination. Byakuya was a man of great intelligence and accomplishment, with a wealth of knowledge and experience that would prove invaluable to Senku as he fought to rebuild civilization from scratch.
Through his many accomplishments, Byakuya's impact on the world of Dr. Stone is immeasurable. His ingenuity, resourcefulness, and love for his son were the driving forces behind Senku's own scientific breakthroughs, and his wisdom and experience provided invaluable guidance throughout the series. However, while anime watchers have only scratched the surface of Byakuya's story, manga readers have been treated to a more in-depth exploration of his character and his incredible contributions to the plot.
5 Senku And Byakuya Are Not Related By Blood
There is nothing quite like a father's love for his son. Few feelings can match the depth of paternal love, which is characterized by a strong sense of pride and mutual respect. For Byakuya and Senku, this is an exceptionally resonant sentiment. The depth of Byakuya's devotion to his kid is timeless. He has set in motion a series of events and clues that his son will discover thousands of years from now because of his unwavering faith in and dedication to Senku.
Despite the fact that they aren't blood relatives, their kinship is unbreakable. The surprising revelation that Senku was not Byakuya's real son came in chapter 115 of the Dr. Stone manga series, which shocked readers who had assumed their bond was too deep to be anything other than biological. All Byakuya ever told him was that Senku was the son of a close friend. Senku, however, insisted that the specifics were irrelevant because their hearts were joined, and their tie would never be severed.
4 To Senku's Surprise, Byakuya Never Made It To Ishigami Village
Ishigami Byakuya, Senku's father, is rumored to have established the town of Ishigami, which played a significant role in the Dr. Stone anime series. Byakuya provided abundant knowledge for his son, who would not appear until 3000 years later. Despite the widespread belief among anime viewers that Byakuya resides in the Ishigami community, readers of the manga are well aware that this is not the case.
Ishigami was a town founded by Byakuya. However, it is not the same town where Senku met Chrome and Kohaku. Byakuya landed on Treasure Island with his fellow astronauts. Although he passed away, he told stories and left directions for his offspring, telling them to travel to Japan. After his death, some of his offspring moved to Japan and established the current Ishigami village, which is well-known among enthusiasts.
3 Byakuya Died In A Stream
Byakuya, the founder of Ishigami Village and the last surviving astronaut passed away in a stream after decades of tirelessly amassing scarce resources for Senku. His passing must have had a significant impact on Byakuya's descendants. The death of Byakuya is a heartbreaking event for manga readers. While searching a river for unique materials he thought Senku would need someday, he passed out and drowned. Byakuya slumped forward when he collapsed, allowing him to see the stars in the water's reflection. Senku was the last person on his mind.
Fortunately, Byakuya's tireless attempts to amass rare resources were not in vain. Platinum, one of the rare elements Senku spent years accumulating, was invaluable to him and his crew. By utilizing the platinum his father had set aside for him, Senku was able to generate large quantities of nitric acid, a crucial ingredient in the rejuvenation potion.
2 Byakuya Left Behind A Treasure Chest For His Son
Byakuya, preparing the way for Senku, declared that there was a hypothesis that said, "If humanity nearly got wiped out, rebuilding civilization from scratch would be impossible because the rare resources right at the surface were stripped from the most accessible spots by humans. And without that initial resource boost, civilization would go nowhere fast."
Byakuya's goal was to amass precious metals so that civilization may be rebuilt in the future with more ease. He made sure nothing in the Soyuz capsule would degrade by preserving it. Fortunately, Byakuya's careful and astute collection of materials turned out to be a big bonus for Senku and his gang, greatly contributing to their successful effort to revive humanity. Byakuya inserted tales concerning the mineral deposits into the 100 tales to guarantee they would be conveyed to Senku.
1 Byakuya Noted That The Petrification Beam Was From South America
No one could pinpoint the source of the certification beam that hit Earth. Everyone was turned to stone instantly, albeit some people were more alert than others. Byakuya and a group of astronauts happened to be on the moon at the moment, so they were able to see exactly where the beam originated.
Byakuya and his crew were first able to ascertain that it was launched from the opposite side of the planet. They tracked the beam's path and determined it originated somewhere in the region of South America. With this clue from the past in hand, Senku and Xeno determined the beam's precise longitude and latitude and set out to track out its true originator.