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As far as factual anime go, Dr. Stone is one of the most informative. It's a series where a genius prodigy, named Ishigami Senku, takes it upon himself to rebuild civilization after an apocalypse that sent them back to the stone age using the power of science. Along the way, he makes an enemy named Tsukasa and now has to wage war against him and his ideals.

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Turns out Senku might not be that great with multitasking since some of the inventions he has built have questionable strategic and tactical value in his war against Tsukasa. Much of the difficulties Senku is facing in this sort of warfare is his refusal to kill Tsukasa and his men. Even so, Senku could have at least built some of these rather easy projects in order to gain a better advantage.

10 Traps

Senku Ishigami in Dr. Stone

It's quite surprising how and why Senku hasn't thought of this one yet. His village is in a perfectly defensible position and Tsukasa's hellbent on maintaining the stone age status so they're not using guns or technology but physical gifts to defeat the other side. That means their abilities can only take them so far.

Meanwhile, Senku could have built traps around Ishigami village. Anything from basic wooden ones to complex stuff such as improvised landmines (that can main at most) would have stopped Tsukasa's offense against the village.

9 Pepper Spray


Pepper sprays are surprisingly easy to make with today's household materials. All anyone needs are chili peppers, some alcohol, and some oil. After that, Senku can probably think of an easy way of applying the pepper spray from a safe range.

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Heck, he can probably even build a spray bottle by now in the anime. Pepper sprays have long proven to be effective non-lethal methods of incapacitating an opponent. That already takes care of the majority of Tsukasa's men.

8 Tasers


For a civilization that has started relying on batteries, Senku's people seem rather unimaginative when it comes to weaponizing electricity. Chrome, in one of the most recent episodes of the anime, was even able to burn stuff with their improvised batteries.

For that matter, it stands within reason that they have powerful-enough batteries to fuel tasers. As for the taser mechanism itself, that should prove no challenge for Senku. In fact, they could even just tie it on a metal baton and it would have been effective. Since Tsukasa's army still hasn't graduated from wearing rags, then they're no match for tasers.

7 Gliders


Senku has already built a tank and a car (a barebones one albeit) so he definitely can build something as simple as a glider. With how many mountains and elevated positions there are in the anime's setting, aerial superiority would have been a viable strategy.

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They could probably even take their cellphone/walkie-talkie and transported it more conveniently using a glider. Someone with a slingshot or even a crossbow also could have done some serious damage by swooping down from the skies.

6 Catapults

dr stone device

Tsukasa needn't feared the notion of Senku inventing guns or tanks if only both of them were fond of ancient or medieval technologies. Catapults have been around since 400 BC and they're definitely easier to build compared to Senku's modern-tech DIY projects in the anime.

They could have used Catapults to pound Tsukasa's base until they submit. Senku also could have been more clever and probably sealed off the bat cave with a catapult or trebuchet-- there's bound to be more bat caves around anyway. Regardless, a siege weapon that fires highly-destructive projectiles from afar is more practical than a steam engine tank that's intended for single-use only.

5 Matchlock Firearms

Kohaku in Dr. Stone

Sure, the anime discussed the inefficiency of matchlock firearms (similar to an RPG) early on in the first season where rain can neutralize it. However, the current climate in Season 2, which is nearly Spring should mean rain isn't that frequent. To that end, Senku could have made some improvised firearms.

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Bamboo would have been a good start for a barrel but seeing as they're already made katanas, iron firearms shouldn't pose a problem. If anything, it can serve as a psychological weapon if Senku finds firearms too violent. As for gunpowder, there are more ways to make it that aren't reliant on nitric acids, such as electrolyzing saltwater.

4 Grenades


In addition to firearms, Senku also could have been more resourceful with his gunpowder at hand and made grenades. Against a group of enemies using nothing but stone spears, grenades would have done wonders.

They don't even have to be lethal. It's actually easy to make homemade tear gas since it shares similar ingredients to pepper spray. Once made, stuffing it into a grenade that can vaporize the substance and cover a big area with incapacitating smoke should spell doom for Tsukasa's minions.

3 Armor

dr stone tank

Since Senku doesn't want any bloodshed, then maybe he could have fought more defensively and procured tools that allow them to fight in that manner. Armor comes to mind immediately and it's safe to assume their resident craftsman can make plenty of those as he handed out katanas like coupons.

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Steel plate armor on Magma or Kinro would have made them invincible. The enemy has nothing but stone-age weapons and their bare strength/agility. The only threat would be Tsukasa since he's superhuman but he's still no match for a fully-armored knight with a matchlock rifle.

2 Bows


Alternatively, Senku and his gang ought to be more reliant on projectiles. Bows are one of humanity's oldest weapons and even Tsukasa's men have them. Tranquilizing or iron-tipped arrows dipped in poison or some kind of improvised tranquilizer could take care of anyone unarmored.

Bow training might take some time but Senku's village already made the effort to help him in all of his projects and even train with katanas. Moreover, bows with modern designs and range advantage would make Senku's village nigh-impregnable. As far as everyone knows, only Tsukasa can catch arrows with his hands, everyone else is target practice.

1 Concrete

Tsukasa in Dr. Stone

Speaking of making an impenetrable fortress, that's also another option Senku could have taken instead of the cellphone. It seems the setting is ripe with ingredients for concrete, especially since there's a volcano nearby with some valuable rock formations.

They could have walled their village and turned it into a castle over the course of winter. As abnormally strong as Tsukasa is, he won't be able to topple a concrete stronghold with his bare hands or with stone-age tools. Senku would have already won that way.

NEXT: Dragon Ball Z: 10 Times The Movies Ripped Off The Anime