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Dragon Age: The Veilguard follows the trends of many popular RPGs in its ability to blend story-telling and combat into one package. With combat comes a host of difficult enemies to deal with that will test your skills and likely have an impact on the health levels of your Rook

Thankfully, in addition to healing your character, there is also an option to bring Rook back from the dead. However, in order to do this, you will need to stock up on revive charges, so having an understanding of how to revive and get revive charges in Dragon Age: The Veilguard will set you up for success and avoid having to repeat difficult combat scenarios over and over again.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard - Should You Knock Out or Reason With The First Warden?

The First Warden proves a tough ally to recruit for Rook in Dragon Age: The Veilguard, so players have a choice with how best to deal with him.

How To Revive in Dragon Age: The Veilguard

The death screen in Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Many players may notice, at least in the earlier stages of their playthrough of Dragon Age: The Veilguard, that unsuccessful battles in combat leave them with three options; to revive, return to the main menu, or reload from their last checkpoint. Unfortunately for most, the option for revive isn't readily available, meaning they will need to backtrack in order to overcome the challenge that has bested them.

To bring your Rook back from the clutches of the dead and avoid an eternity as part of Emmrich's Mourn Watch, you will need at least one Revive Charge on hand. With one in stock, the option to revive will be available when you next fall in battle, allowing you to pick up from where you left off straight away.

How To Get Revive Charges in Dragon Age: The Veilguard

A merchant in Dragon Age: The Veilguard

While reviving in itself is a relatively simple process, acquiring the necessary materials to perform the action requires more work than it may first seem. While the word "charge" would indicate a revival is a consumable item, it's not something that can be picked up with relative ease at a standard merchant. Revive charges are bonuses that can be found in select Trinkets and Amulets, but only when they are a certain level of rarity.

You may be fortunate in finding an item that has a revive charge, but there are a few places you can buy items with the bonus. These will, however, require that players have adequate faction strength and resources to upgrade a faction merchant to level three. Revival charges can be found in the following items:

  • Calibration Crystal +4 (Bellara) - found at the Arlathan Forest merchant.
  • Simple Oil and Stone (Lucanis) - found at the Treviso merchant.
  • Creator's Chisel +4 (Davrin) - found at the Hossberg Wetlands merchant.

In addition to merchants, players can also reap the rewards of collecting enough mementos to raise the Caretaker's level to nine, as you can add an enchantment that increases Rook's maximum revives by one. This won't add to your stocks, but means you can carry more if you and your party have more than one item equipped that'll offer revival opportunities.

Finally, another way of increasing revival charges is by looting items with them included, such as the Tincture Healing Kit belt that Rook can equip. There's no real sure-fire way to ensure you grab one, as the rewards in each chest appear to be quite random, so the best thing you can do, especially early in the game, is to solve puzzles and unlock as many chests as possible. There's a chance you'll encounter an item with a revival charge, or, worst-case scenario, you end up equipping yourself and your companions with better weapons and armor.

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Dragon Age
October 31, 2024
Electronic Arts