
  • Dragon Ball Daima initially faced pacing issues, with fans criticizing the slow progression of the story.
  • The series has since rectified these problems, improving pacing and integrating important lore drops.
  • Vegeta unlocking Super Saiyan 3 was a pivotal moment, showcasing significant character development and impactful battles.

Dragon Ball Daima is the first anime installment that fans have gotten since 2017 with the end of Super. The announcement for this show came out of nowhere since fans were expecting to see the long-awaited second season of Super, which had ended rather abruptly considering how the manga kept going with brand-new story arcs that have some of the best moments in the franchise.

Although the series came as a surprise to fans, everyone welcomed it with open arms as the final work by the legendary Akira Toriyama. When Dragon Ball Daima initially began, it was a great show but many had problems with its pacing issues. Now, however, those issues are being rectified and the series is at the top of its game, so let's take a look at how Daima has seriously picked up the pacing.

Dragon Ball: The Importance Of Vegeta Unlocking Super Saiyan 3

Vegeta has finally unlocked a Super Saiyan 3 transformation after decades of fans wanting to see it, so let's see why this is such an important moment

The Previous Problems Facing Daima

How Pacing Was A Problem Initially

Debut Date

October 11, 2024

Previous Arc

Buu Saga

Many of the initial detractors of Daima were upset about the fact that this was the latest addition to the anime canon rather than the return of Super, though this was a minority of people. When the series was beginning, many were quite happy to get something new from Dragon Ball. However, for the first few episodes, fans complained that the pacing was very slow since it felt like a very long time for Goku to come across the Tamagami of the Third Demon World.

The reason it felt like this was reflected in the show itself, since Goku fought this enemy in episode 8. Although the main objective of the entire Daima series is to save Dende by reclaiming the 3 Demon World Dragon Balls, the journey to get to the first one took far too long for many fans. The battle itself was over far too early as well, making many think that the build-up certainly wasn't worth it, especially since it only took Super Saiyan 1 to defeat the Tamagami that had been built-up for so long.

Dragon Ball Daima: Which Tamagami Is the Strongest?

Now that all three Tamagami have been defeated in Dragon Ball Daima, it's time to find out which was the strongest defender of the Dragon Balls.

How This Problem Is Being Recitified

The Series Is Fixing This Issue

Although Daima took its sweet time to show the battle with the very first Tamagami, everything went uphill from there very quickly. The side plot of Vegeta, Bulma, and Piccolo finally gained more relevance to the overall story as they were finally brought to the side of Goku's team as they all went on their way to the Second Demon World. Here, there were some important lore drops, as this world was shown as the birthplace of the Namekian race, adding an incredible amount of depth to one of the franchise's most prevalent aspects.

The time spent here wasn't as extensive as the Third Demon World but the lore implications were just as groundbreaking. However, the main part was Vegeta's battle with the Second Tamagami. Unlike the first fight, there wasn't as much of a trudging wait to get to this point, so many fans loved the altercation, which also took a little bit of time to completely get through, taking about 2 episodes.

However, the way everything played out is what every fan of the series had been waiting to see for decades. Vegeta finally unlocked Super Saiyan 3 after being left in the shadows of Goku's version of the form for years, and in doing so, made short work of the Tamagami in one of the greatest showings in Dragon Ball history. This form wasn't only amazing in function, but the design for Vegeta's Super Saiyan 3 was noticeably different from Goku's.

Simultaneously, Daima showed Majin Duu taking on the First Tamagami in a hilarious fight that also showed that he is a formidable combatant in his own right, showing that Arinsu's forces aren't to be taken lightly. Now that the Z-Fighters are on their way to the First Demon World to collect the final Dragon Ball, the many threads of the story are on their way to wrapping up, bringing the heroes and villains into a final confrontation to see the outcome of this journey.

Even if we rescue Dende, if he is a baby, the Dragon Balls will be useless for a while.

After the fight against the First Tamagami, Majin Duu was faced with a puzzle to solve, which he was only able to do because of Majin Kuu's help, showing that while the latter character isn't exactly strong, his brain could mean big things in the future. Many fans theorize that there will be a fusion at the end of Daima between Duu and Kuu, making it the perfect opportunity for Goku and Vegeta to utilize the Join Bugs to fuse themselves.

While Daima was a great show from the very first episode, the first half of it was a little bit jarring for fans due to its slow pacing. However, the series seems to finally have found its footing since the pacing is doing much better now, prompting fans of the series to want to stick with it to see what comes next.

Dragon Ball can be streamed on Crunchyroll.

Dragon Ball: Who's The Strongest Character After The Buu Saga?

The Buu Saga was the arc that really tipped the power scaling of the franchise, so let's look at who the strongest character was after it!

Dragon Ball Daima temp TV logo poster

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Dragon Ball DAIMA
Release Date
October 11, 2024

Dragon Ball Daima is the latest anime in Akira Toriyama's legendary franchise. After being transformed into a child, Goku must travel to a new world to try and turn things around. 

Akira Toriyama
Story By
Akira Toriyama
Number of Episodes