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  • Dragon Ball DAIMA explores the Demon Realm, a separate location from the universes.
  • Entry to the Demon Realm is restricted by an interdimensional being named Warp-sama.
  • The Demon Realm is divided into three sub-realms, with each having its own Dragon Balls and unique features.

Dragon Ball DAIMA is set after the events of the Majin Buu saga of Dragon Ball Z and it is an interesting installment in the franchise because it finally explores the world of the demons, a realm that had previously only been mentioned in passing several times over the course of the Dragon Ball story.

With Goku and Supreme Kai now called to pay the Demon Realm a visit in order to rescue Dende from King Gomah and Degesu, we finally get to see the Demon Realm up close, and learn more about how it fits into the established story.

Dragon Ball Daima: Dragon Ball Returns to Its Roots

Dragon Ball Daima brings back the grounded battles and personal growth that made the series famous, focusing on Goku’s journey.

A Plane Separate From The Universes

How To Get to the Demon Realm

Dragon Ball DAIMA Third Demon World

The Demon Realm is a special location and particularly interesting in Dragon Ball cosmology. For one, the underworld/afterlife is not the same as the Demon Realm, so while it's quite common for demons to come from Hell, Hell and the Demon Realm are not one and the same in Dragon Ball. It is a place sealed off from the rest of the established Dragon Ball multiverse, one considered to be "opposite" to the established reality. Entry and exit are allowed at the discretion of Warp-sama, a giantic not-goldfish being whose existence spans the multiverse and restricts thoroughfare to and from the Demon Realm. It only allows demons (so, individuals who have pointy ears) to enter, and those who use it must produce a PIN that they would have received when applying for transportation. In effect, Warp-sama is an interdimensional being, and in addition to enabling travel to and from the Demon Realm, it can transport individuals to specific destinations within the multiverse. The closest Warp-sama to Earth is located in the Rakka System, near Planet Batapi.

The Basic Structure of the Demon Realm

It Is Further Divided into Three Sub-Realms

Demon King Palace – Dragon Ball DAIMA

The Demon Realm itself comprises of three parts; the First, Second and Third Demon Worlds, sub-realms that are connected to each other by the Demon Realm Tunnel. It seems that there is some level of social stratification in the Demon Realm as each sub-realm has a specific kind of resident. The Third Demon World is where commoners like Glorio reside, while the Second Demon World is traditionally home to Supreme Kai's race, the Glinds, while the First Demon World is where the Demon King's Palace can be found. The Demon Realm even has its own set of Dragon Balls, one for each sub-realm; however, collecting them is supposedly a very difficult feat as they're protected by powerful beings known as the Tamagami.

These Dragon Balls were created by the ancient Namekian, Neva, who is currently aligned with King Gomah. At some point, a barrier was enacted which prevented free travel between the sub-realms of the Demon Realm. Each Demon World has its own Demon Lord, but the Demon Realm as a whole is also ruled over by a Demon Lord. Prior to the Majin Buu saga, this position was filled by Dabura.

At this point, we know the most about the Third Demon World, which is rather Earth-like despite its clearly otherwordly features like its pink-purple sky, floating volcanic islands that spew gas and ash which then make the air incredibly thick, and even an abyss known as the Sea of Darkness. The thick air makes flying in the Third Demon World rather tricky. Pilots of aircraft must take care to fly slowly to reduce the impact of air resistance. Demon society doesn't appear too far removed from any other presented in the series so far, but the realm is known to be home to malicious individuals or groups.

Dragon Ball DAIMA is available to stream on Crunchyroll and Netflix.

Dragon Ball Daima temp TV logo poster

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Dragon Ball DAIMA
Release Date
October 11, 2024
Akira Toriyama
Dragon Ball

Dragon Ball Daima is the latest anime in Akira Toriyama's legendary franchise. After being transformed into a child, Goku must travel to a new world to try and turn things around.