- Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero includes 181 characters, spanning across all mainstream Dragon Ball media.
- The game allows players to recreate iconic battles or create new dream matchups through fast-paced arena brawls.
- The roster also includes characters and forms from the non-canon Dragon Ball GT anime and Dragon Ball movies, expanding the game's appeal.
The remaining Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero characters have been revealed, bringing the game’s full roster to 181. After nearly 17 years, Dragon Ball fans are finally getting a brand-new entry in the popular Budokai Tenkaichi series on October 11. Just like its legendary predecessors, Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero will let players recreate their favorite battles from the Dragon Ball series or create new dream matches through fast-paced arena brawls.
In the build-up to Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero’s upcoming release, Bandai Namco has been pulling back the curtain on the game’s packed roster of heroes and villains from across all mainstream Dragon Ball media, showing off a mix of anime icons like Goku and Vegeta alongside more obscure side characters. Most recently, fans were shocked by the revelation that Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero will feature characters and alternate forms from the non-canon Dragon Ball GT anime, as they were initially led to believe that only fighters from Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super would be included at launch.

How Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero's Latest Announcement Turns DLC Expectations on Their Head
Following the official confirmation of deep cut characters in the base game of Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero, its future has become far less clear.
Now the final batch of Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero characters has been confirmed in a new trailer from Bandai Namco. It starts by highlighting characters from the later Dragon Ball Super arcs, set to the battle track “Genkai Toppa X Survivor,” which sadly isn’t included in the game. Among the warriors locked in battle are a nameless Freiza Force Solider fighting Gohan, the young Saiyan Cabba in his standard, Super Saiyan, and Super Saiyan 2 forms, Freiza’s Universe 6 counterpart Frost, and the God of Destruction Toppo.
Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero Character Roster
Android 13
- Android 13 [Fusion Form]
- Android 16
- Android 17 (Z)
- Android 17 (Super)
- Android 18
- Android 19
- Anilaza
- Babidi
Baby Vegeta (GT)
- Super Baby 1 (GT)
- Super Baby 2 (GT)
- Great Ape Baby (GT)
- Bardock
- Beerus
- Bergamo
Broly (Super)
- Broly (Super) [Super Saiyan]
- Broly (Super) [Super Saiyan Full Power]
Broly (Z)
- Broly [Super Saiyan]
- Broly [Legendary Super Saiyan]
- Bojack
- Bojack [Full-Power]
- Burter
- Cabba [Super Saiyan]
- Cabba [Super Saiyan 2]
- Caulifla [Super Saiyan 2]
Cell [1st Form]
- Cell [2nd Form]
- Cell [Perfect Form]
- Perfect Cell
- Cell Jr.
- Chiaotzu
- Cooler [Final Form]
- Mecha Cooler
- Cui
- Dabura
- Dodoria
- Dr. Gero
- Dr. Wheelo
- Dyspo
Frieza (Z) [1st Form]
- Frieza (Z) [2nd Form]
- Frieza (Z) [3rd Form]
- Frieza (Z) [4th Form]
- Frieza (Z) Full Power
- Mecha Frieza
Frieza (Super)
- Golden Frieza
- Freiza Force Solider
- Frost
- Super Garlic Jr
- Ginyu
- Gogeta (GT) [Super Saiyan 4]
Gogeta (Super)
- Gogeta (Super) [Super Saiyan]
- Gogeta (Super) [Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan]
- Super Gogeta (Z)
- Gohan (Kid)
Gohan (Teen)
- Gohan (Teen) [Super Saiyan]
- Gohan (Teen) [Super Saiyan 2]
Gohan (Adult)
- Gohan (Adult) [Super Saiyan]
- Gohan (Adult) [Super Saiyan 2]
- Great Saiyaman
Gohan (Future)
- Gohan (Future) [Super Saiyan]
- Goku (Z - Early)
- Goku (Z - Mid)
- Goku (Z - Mid) [Super Saiyan]
Goku (Z - End)
- Goku (Z - End) [Super Saiyan]
- Goku (Z - End) [Super Saiyan 2]
- Goku (Z - End) [Super Saiyan 3]
Goku (Super)
- Goku (Super) [Super Saiyan]
- Goku (Super) [Super Saiyan God]
- Goku (Super) [Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan]
- Goku (Super) [Ultra Instinct]
- Goku (Super) [Ultra Instinct -Sign-]
Goku (GT)
- Goku (GT) [Super Saiyan]
- Goku (GT) [Super Saiyan 3]
- Goku (GT) [Super Saiyan 4]
Goku Black
- Goku Black [Super Saiyan Rose]
- Goku (Teen)
- Goten [Super Saiyan]
- Gotenks [Super Saiyan]
- Gotenks [Super Saiyan 3]
- Guldo
- Hirudegarn
- Hit
- Super Janemba
- Jeice
- Jiren [Full Power]
- Kakunsa
- Kale [Super Saiyan]
- Kale [Super Saiyan (Berserk)]
- Kefla [Super Saiyan]
- Kefla [Super Saiyan 2]
- Kid Buu
- King Cold
- Krillin
Lord Slug
- Lord Slug [Giant Form]
- Majin Buu
- Majin Buu (Evil)
Master Roshi
- Master Roshi [Max Power]
- Mr. Satan
- Nail
- Nappa
- Pan (GT)
- Piccolo
- Piccolo (Fused with Kami)
- Raditz
- Recoome
- Ribrianne
- Roasie
- Saibaman
Super Buu
- Super Buu [Gotenks Absorbed]
- Super Buu [Gohan Absorbed]
- Spopovich
Syn Shenron (GT)
- Omega Shenron (GT)
- Tapion
- Tien
- Toppo, God of Destruction
Trunks (Kid)
- Trunks (Kid) [Super Saiyan]
Future Trunks
- Future Trunks [Super Saiyan]
Trunks (Sword)
- Trunks (Sword) [Super Saiyan]
Trunks (Melee)
- Trunks (Melee) [Super Saiyan]
- Super Trunks
Uub (GT)
- Majuub (GT)
Vegeta (Z - Scouter)
- Great Ape Vegeta
Vegeta (Z - Early)
- Vegeta (Z - Early) Super Saiyan
- Super Vegeta
- Majin Vegeta
Vegeta (Z - End)
- Vegeta (Z - End) [Super Saiyan]
- Vegeta (Z - End) [Super Saiyan 2]
Vegeta (Super)
- Vegeta (Super) [Super Saiyan]
- Vegeta (Super) [Super Saiyan God]
- Vegeta (Super) [Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan]
- Vegeta (GT) [Super Saiyan 4]
- Super Vegito
- Vegito [Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan]
- Videl
- Whis
- Yajirobe
- Yamcha
- Zamasu
Fused Zamasu
- Fused Zamasu [Half-Corrupted]
- Super Zarbon
The latest Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero trailer doesn’t stop here, as a younger version of Goku appears before a series of characters from the non-canon Dragon Ball Z theatrical movies of old. First up is the movie version of Broly, who will join his canon Dragon Ball Super counterpart in his standard, blue-haired Super Saiyan, and hulking Legendary Super Saiyan forms. Freiza’s wicked brother Cooler then appears, showing off both his regular appearance and advanced Final Form before being resurrected as the cybernetic Metal Cooler. Android 13 also appears, as well as his more powerful Fusion Android 13 form.
The next confirmed round of Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero characters include Super Garlic Jr from the Dragon Ball Z: Dead Zone movie and Garlic Jr. filler arc, Dr. Wheelo from The World’s Strongest, Lord Slug from the movie of the same name in both his normal and Giant forms, Turles from Tree of Might, Bojack and his Full-Power form from Bojack Unbound, Hirudegarn and the heroic Tapion from Wrath of the Dragon, and Janemba, Super Janemba, and Super Gogeta from Fusion Reborn. This brings Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero’s final base roster to 181 playable characters that will be available when the game launches next month.