Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero is a game of absurdly large scale, and it's only going to get bigger from here. From its roster to its story mode, the game is very much permeated with a more-the-merrier approach to design. Current DLC plans will expand the roster by more than 20 characters, but a new Episode could help Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero kill two birds with one stone.
Sparking Zero managed to cover most of the series, only neglecting one or two significant sources. By contrast, the options for new Episodes are practically limitless. The Dragon Ball Super manga is currently responsible for many of the biggest roster exclusions in Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero. If developers wanted to add a number of iconic characters and adapt a compelling story at the same time, the Granolah Arc would be a perfect fit.

Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero's Best What If Reveals the Roster's Biggest Blind Spot
Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero introduces an original character during Gohan's Sparking Episode, and it would be a shame if they don't become playable.
The Granolah Arc Has Huge Potential as Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero DLC
Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero Securing Manga Content is No Small Task
Sparking Zero's ability to include manga-only content is somewhat in question, with some believing its absence is due to a difficult licensing issue. There are currently no characters or forms exclusive to Dragon Ball Super's manga that are playable characters in Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero. This may make it seem like a done deal, but there's another factor that may give characters like Granolah a fighting chance.
The saving grace in this case is hidden within Jiren's Episode Battle in Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero. If players complete the condition to unlock Jiren's Sparking Episode, they'll be treated to a difficult battle that evidently references the manga's version of the Tournament of Power. There are plenty of characters who make small references to Super's manga with their movesets, but this pales in comparison to how much the story may have helped to pave the way for future manga content.
With this in mind, it's important to recognize why the Granolah Arc stands out among its peers. After all, developers could continue to draw from the manga's version of arcs that have been adapted, or seek out storylines like Dragon Ball Super's Moro Arc to include instead. However, not only does the Granolah Arc beat out the other options narratively, but its roster of characters is unmatched.
What Makes Dragon Ball Super's Granolah Arc Special
Dragon Ball Super's Granolah the Survivor Arc quickly became a fan favorite during publication, and it has only become more of an instant classic since its conclusion. The arc examined the past actions of the Saiyans from a closer lens than ever, and brilliantly tied this commentary into the larger themes of the series as a whole. However, none of this could have been accomplished without the arc's namesake.
Granolah is one of Dragon Ball's best antagonists in recent years, and his place as the arc's anchor is well deserved. Granolah is the last survivor of the Cerealian race, which was once wiped out by the hands of Saiyan warriors. Granolah launches a revenge quest against Goku and Vegeta, which leads him to use a unique set of Dragon Balls in order to make himself the strongest fighter in the universe.
While Granolah's backstory provides much-needed lore about Bardock and other members of the Saiyan race, his subsequent wish carries an even greater meaning. Dragon Ball has almost always been a quest to prove who is strongest, with that ideal becoming more true than ever in Dragon Ball Super. Granolah and other characters throughout the arc cheat this process, with Goku and Vegeta forced to struggle for what they believe in. Ultimately, the unyielding hard work of a surprising character dismantles them all.
Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero could benefit a lot from adapting this story into an Episode. First and foremost, this would be the first adaptation the Granolah Arc would ever receive, and subsequently the first time many fans experience it in general. Notably, this could also give Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero more Sparking Episodes, which are fundamental to the game's identity. Of course, the last and perhaps largest appeal of tackling the Granolah Arc would be its incredible cast of characters.

Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero’s Goku Black Episode is the Odd One Out
Many of the character episodes in Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero are compelling explorations of their protagonists, but one falls short.
Dragon Ball Super's Granolah Arc is a Goldmine for Sparking Zero Characters
The Granolah Arc's Original Characters Should Join the Fray in Sparking Zero
Naturally, Granolah would be the foremost candidate to join Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero's roster. Granolah's status as a Cerelian grants him enhanced perception, and his wish granted him a vast array of new abilities that let him surpass any other foe that had come before him. Thankfully, Granolah's unmatched marksmanship, immense power, and diverse arsenal of techniques are only the tip of the iceberg.
The Heeters are a secondary antagonist in the Granolah Arc, and could earn a slot or two on the roster as well. More likely than not, Gas would simply take the spotlight considering his role in the final battle. Gas possesses a magical talent for conjuring weapons out of thin air, as well as an innate ability to improve through battle similar to the Saiyan's Zenkai Boosts. Gas later made the same wish as Granolah, which forced Granolah to team up with Goku and Vegeta to defeat him.
The Granolah Arc Originated Some of Dragon Ball's Most Powerful Transformations
Of course, Granolah and Gas aren't the only characters to have gotten stronger throughout the arc. Most notably, Vegeta's Ultra Ego transformation was introduced during his fight with Granolah. Ultra Ego operates as the polar opposite to Ultra Instinct, as it grows more powerful the more damage its user suffers. Similarly, the powerful new form allows Vegeta to prove that wishing for power is pointless, considering there will always be someone training to become stronger the old-fashioned way.
Ironically, Vegeta's point here becomes his downfall later in the arc, when none other than Frieza proves himself as the true embodiment of this ideal. This was an immense shock to fans, considering Frieza's earlier insistence on his inherent superiority. However, Frieza's past defeats taught him a lesson, that he must avoid stagnation if he truly wants to rule the universe. By pursuing self-improvement just like everyone else, he unleashed the Black Frieza transformation, and handily defeated them all.
Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero DLC leaks suggest that new characters are just beyond the horizon. While it may not be the current focus of the Season Pass, the game is sorely lacking in manga content. Not only would an adaptation of the Granolah Arc patch this issue with the roster, but it could also allow Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero's story mode to go even further beyond.
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