One of the major things that set Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 apart from other Dragon Ball games is its steep level of customization. After all, not only can players create their own characters, but they can customize their appearances and movesets as well, with mere costumes actively contributing to a character’s stats.

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What’s more awesome is how the existence of items such as QQ Bangs allows players of the Dragon Ball game to override the stats of a costume, giving them the opportunity to truly tailor a piece of clothing to their character’s benefit. With each QQ Bang formula spawning different stat iterations via RNG, just which recipes merit the best QQ Bangs in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2?
Updated on October 30, 2024 by Rhenn Taguiam: As gameplay of Dragon Ball: Sparkling! ZERO offers players the opportunity to alter events of the Dragon Ball story by pulling off specific stunts throughout their fights, fans of the series might be excited to experiment with their gameplay to see just what effects a single action might have on fan-favorite moments. However, fans who want a more straightforward Dragon Ball experience might go back to Xenoverse 2 for straight-up hard-hitting action. Fans who want to elevate their Xenoverse 2 experience should consider upgrading their equipment with other potent QQ Bangs. Thankfully, the right material combination can produce rather potent results. Such combinations may focus on overall stats like HP, Ki, and STA with some setbacks in terms of Strike and Ki Blast Supers.
10 Beerus-Vegito Strikers
A Worthwhile Durability Boost
- Components: Beerus Clothes (Upper Body), Vegito Pants, Ultimate Mix Capsule
- HP: 5
- Ki: 5
- STA: 5
- Basic ATK: -5
- Strike Supers: -5
- Ki Blast Supers: -5
Players looking for a straightforward addition to their repertoire of QQ Bangs may appreciate Beerus-Vegito Strikers, specifically for its straightforward boosts. Formed using Beerus Clothes (Upper Body), Vegito Pants, and an Ultimate Mix Capsule, the Beerus-Vegito Strikers gives an upfront +5 boosts to HP, Ki, and STA - practically ensuring a character gets a much-needed survivability buff for prolonged incursions.
Of course, a major caveat for this Xenoverse 2 equipment would be its -5 debuffs to Basic ATK, Strike Supers, and Ki Blast Supers - dampening the character’s combat potential. This QQ Bang Formula is best used on characters who don’t depend much on overcomplicated setups, as a nifty way of countering its debuffs would be building DPS through a steady stream of straightforward attacks and not necessarily setting up big but complicated blasts.
9 4-Star God Of Destruction
Secure More DPS Through Resources
- Components: Beerus Clothes, 4-Star Dragon Ball Costume, Senzu Bean Sprout
- HP: 5
- Ki: 5
- STA: 5
- Basic ATK: -5
- Strike Supers: -5
- Ki Blast Supers: -5
A familiar derivative of the above QQ Bang Formula would be 4-Star God of Destruction. It’s derived from Beerus Clothes and a 4-Star Dragon Ball Costume with a Senzu Bean Sprout, giving a composition theme that unites the Godly Ki of recent Dragon Ball Super and the nostalgia of classic Dragon Ball. As with the above, this setup gives players +5 bonuses to HP, Ki, and STA. However, the QQ Bang does come with -5 debuffs to Basic ATK, Strike Supers, and Ki Blast Supers.
Since this formula prioritizes a character’s base stats, it’s best used with units and setups that have high enough attack power to take the debuffs but can use the durability boost to last longer in fights. Alternatively, it can benefit glass cannons whose OP setups can be better fulfilled with access to more resources.
8 Goku Slug Buster
Strike Attack Focus With Manageable Setbacks
- Components: Goku’s Tracksuit, Lord Slug’s Clothes, Senzu Bean Sprout
- HP: -5
- Ki: +5
- STA: +5
- Basic ATK: -2
- Strike Supers: +5
- Ki Blast Supers: -5
Among Super Attacks in Xenoverse 2, Strike Supers form the main repertoire of users who prefer to get up close and personal. After all, these attacks either rely on characters being close to their opponents or have some effect that charges towards enemies for a powerful attack. Goku Slug Buster becomes an ideal QQ Bang Formula to use in these scenarios, as they come with convenient +5 bonuses to Ki, STA, and Strike Supers.
The -5 HP and -5 to Ki Blast Supers mean the character with this weapon might experience more punishment when blocked or countered. Thankfully, the -2 Basic ATK penalty means they can still have a fighting chance when they regain their momentum. With the likes of Finishing Blow being a decent combo starter and extender as well as Soaring Fist giving players some range, this QQ Bang can become an asset for players looking at Strike Supers to add versatility to their plays.
7 Super 17 Biology
Bonus At Base With More Manageable Penalties
- Components: Super 17 Gloves, Saiyuki Gloves, Senzu Bean Sprout
- HP: +5
- Ki: +5
- STA: +5
- Basic ATK: -5
- Strike Supers: -5
- Ki Blast Supers: -2
In an ideal world, the best QQ Bang Formulas should at least have no penalties at all, and the Super 17 Biology QQ Bang in Xenoverse 2 gameplay provides players with a second-best option: lesser penalties. At first glance, Super 17 Biology provides a basic repertoire of +5 boosts to HP, Ki, and STA with the typical penalties to Basic ATK, Strike Supers, and Ki Blast Supers. This essentially makes the QQ Bang more of a foundational boost that provides a character access to more resources so they can dish out more attacks to compensate for the attack penalties.
However, where this Android-themed QQ Bang Formula shines is within one parameter: a mere -2 to Ki Blast Supers instead of the typical -5 that becomes the price to pay for the trifecta of +5 bonuses. This lesser penalty to Ki Blast Supers means this QQ Bang Formula can fit characters who use heavy-hitting fast-damaging Ki Blast Supers such as God Splitter and Death Beam.
6 Hard Melee Focus
Get Up Close And Personal
- Components: Vegito’s Clothes + Gogeta’s Clothes + Super Mix Capsule Z
- HP: 5
- Ki: 0
- STA: 0
- Basic ATK: 5
- Strike Supers: 5
- Ki Blast Supers: 1
One of the best configurations to come out of the Vegito’s Clothes and Gogeta’s Clothes tandem is a Hard Melee Focus QQ Bang, proving the status of the duo as two (2) of the strongest Saiyans in the series. Among the equipment in the gameplay of Xenoverse 2, this QQ Bang is heavily suited for characters aiming for a hard Strike focus, which primarily suits the playstyles of up-close fighters such as Broly and Vegeta.

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In this particular recipe, players should aim for maximum Basic ATK and Strike Supers to capitalize on their base attack performance. As demonstrated in this iteration, a small addition to the Ki Blast Super is a bonus, and the lack of buffs to Ki and STA seems proper to motivate players on a melee build.
5 Consistent Offense
Emphasizes Heavy-Hitting Attacks
- Components: Zen-Oh's Clothes + Super Saiyan 4 Suit (Goku) + Super Mix Capsule Z
- HP: 1
- Ki: -1
- STA: 5
- Basic ATK: 5
- Strike Supers: 5
- Ki Blast Supers: 2
Sometimes, it’s more than enough for players of Xenoverse 2 to be able to defeat foes in as little time as possible, as this offsets whatever setback they have in terms of durability. Such is the case with this particular Consistent Offense QQ Bang that players may be able to acquire with Zen-Oh’s Clothes and Super Saiyan 4 Suit (Goku), proving the sheer power of Goku’s supposed final form in Dragon Ball GT.
Despite its Ki setback and rather mediocre bonuses towards HP and Ki Blast Supers, the consistent 5-marks on STA, Basic ATK, and Strike Supers denote a much-needed emphasis on a harder approach to offense, especially with the possibility of prolonging combat by a little bit with the Stamina buff.
4 Relentless Aggression
Focus On Offense
- Components: Beerus' Clothes + Beerus' Clothes + Super Mix Capsule Z
- HP: 1
- Ki: 5
- STA: 5
- Basic ATK: 5
- Strike Supers: -1
- Ki Blast Supers: 5
It doesn’t come off as a surprise that a QQ Bang centered around Dragon Ball staple Beerus and his Beerus’ Clothes would result in a combat-ready item. With this Balanced Aggression QQ Bang, players can enjoy a more balanced approach to offense - perfect for Dragon Ball’s many ruthless villains that need a bit of stability.

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Despite the mild setback in terms of Health and Strike Supers, QQ Bangs in other equipment could easily compensate for this disadvantage. What’s perhaps more intriguing about this build is how it gives maximum buffs not just to Ki Blast Supers, but also Ki, STA, and Basic ATK, incentivizing players who have a flair for relentless aggression from afar.
3 Ki Blast Focus
Enjoy Long-Distance Fights
- Components: Goku's Final DBZ Gi + Goku's Final DBZ Gi + Super Mix Capsule Z
- HP: -1
- Ki: -2
- STA: 5
- Basic ATK: 4
- Strike Supers: -1
- Ki Blast Supers: 5
Although a lot of combat in Xenoverse 2 has players go toe to toe against each other in intense melee incursions, some characters do excel hitting hard from faraway. These include the likes of Cooler and Frieza, both long-ranged specialists who just love ensuring foes can’t go anywhere near them.
This QQ Bang exemplifies the Ki Blast Focus approach, where the setbacks on HP, Ki, and Strike Supers are well-compensated for maxed-out STA and Ki Blast Supers, as well as decent Basic Attack - making this perfect for the likes of Frieza in any of his transformations. This ensures players can use the lack of juice with rather potent enough Ki Blasts to kill enemies before they can capitalize on their resource management disadvantage.
2 Resource Management Is Key
Outlast Opponents With More Reserves
- Components: Light Heart Suit + Light Heart Suit + Super Mix Capsule Z
- HP: 5
- Ki: 5
- STA: 5
- Basic ATK: 2
- Strike Supers: -1
- Ki Blast Supers: -1
In a game like Xenoverse 2 where players don’t just fight but rather do so with limited juice, Resource Management Is Key becomes quite an optimized build for a QQ Bang. Fans might get turned off with its lack of Strike Supers and Ki Blast Supers buff, as well as a mediocre bonus to Basic ATK.
However, its maxed-out buffs for HP, Ki, and STA do compensate with their ability to help players start with more than enough resources on the get-go - useful against beefed-up Dragon Ball villains with a penchant for one-shotting players who turn the wrong way. With these numbers, players can have more than enough durability and resources to capitalize on their combat abilities without worrying much about opponents punishing them or delaying combat.
1 Focus On Stability
All-Rounder Bonuses
- Components: Battle Suit (Bardock) + Beerus' Clothes + Super Mix Capsule Z
- HP: 0
- Ki: 5
- STA: 5
- Basic ATK: 5
- Strike Supers: 5
- Ki Blast Supers: -1
Serving as one of the most popular material mixes in QQ Bang creation in terms of Xenoverse 2 gameplay, one couldn’t go wrong with Battle Suit (Bardock) and Beerus’ Clothes. While this is already a go-to combination for most players, one of the best RNG results players could hope for with this pairing would be a Focus on Stability.
While there’s definitely a lack of HP buffs and a -1 Ki Blast Supers debuff, there’s a particular rarity with this QQ Bang’s four (4) 5-pack buffs. Ki and STA buffs at their highest already give players access to more resources, while a maxed-out Basic ATK buff incentivizes combo usage and regular play. Lastly, another maxed-out Strike Super buff will help players dish out more damage when going up close and personal. This QQ Bang is perfect to stabilize the likes of Vegeta, whose toolkit naturally makes him an extremely aggressive fighter.
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