Escape from Tarkov is the ambitious hybrid first-person shooter survival MMORPG from Battlestate Games that takes place in the developer's extended Russia 2028 universe of games. Players take the role of PMCs or Scavs as they try to raid locations across the fictional collapsed city of Tarkov and make it to an extraction point without dying.

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After leaving the raid zone, the player returns to their hideout to make use of the loot that they retrieved. Unfortunately, they more than likely took some damage while on the raid. Now, they have to heal, and that's not as simple a prospect as it initially seems. Here's how to keep from dying after a raid in Escape From Tarkov.

It's Possible To Heal Immediately After A Raid

Looking at a truck in Escape from Tarkov Cropped

All PMC players can heal as soon as a raid is done. This is generally the best option, as it costs nothing but money to completely heal all injuries thanks to the help of the Therapist vendor. This doesn't even cost any money for the first ten levels in Escape from Tarkov, and it is available from the very first raid you play. Once players reach the tenth level, it costs about 10,000 rubel. When playing as a Scav, gamers don't have to worry about their health, as it will be automatically be replenished the next time they play as a Scav.

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All the player needs to do is accept the offer to heal once completing a raid. That said, there are a variety of reasons why a player may not choose to take this offer. Among them is the inclination preserve money, and a preference to use whatever healing supplies that they may have back in the hideout.

Alternatively, Heal With Supplies In The Hideout

Escape From Tarkov Cover Image with PMCs pointing Guns Cropped

Instead of opting to heal through the Therapist at the end of a Tarkov raid, a player can opt to treat their injuries back in their hideout. There are various kinds of injuries a player can sustain in Escape from Tarkov. They can take light bleeding, heavy bleeding, contusions, fractures, and general pain. Getting shot can cause a variety of different health issues.

Pain is less of a problem after the raid; players are going to want to treat the cause of the pain instead. There is also toxin and radiation damage, but they are not in the game yet. Different items treat different varieties of injuries. The ones that actually treat injuries are as follows:

  • Aseptic Bandage: Treats light bleeding
  • Army Bandage: Treats light bleeding
  • Immobilizing Splint: Treats fractures
  • Aluminum Splint: Treats fractures
  • Golden Star Balm: Treats contusions
  • CMS Kit: Completely restores destroyed body parts apart from the head and thorax
  • Surv12 Field Surgical Kit: Treats fractures and completely restores destroyed body parts except for the head and thorax
  • Esmarch Tourniquet: Treats heavy bleeding
  • CALOK-B Hemostatic Applicator: Treats heavy bleeding
  • CAT Hemostatic Tourniquet: Treats heavy bleeding
  • AI-2 Medkit: Treats radiation poisoning and restores 100 health
  • Car First Aid Kit: Treats radiation poisoning and light bleeding, and restores 220 health
  • Salewa First Aid Kit: Treats light and heavy bleeding and restores 400 health
  • IFAK Individual First Aid Kit: Treats light and heavy bleeding and radiation poisoning, and restores 300 health
  • AFAK Personal Tactical First Aid Kit: Treats light and heavy bleeding and radiation poisoning, and it restores 400 health
  • Grizzly Medical Kit: Treats light and heavy bleeding, fractures, and contusions, and restores 1800 health

Broadly speaking, there is no reason to not take the automatic healing from the Therapist after a raid. However, one can gain healing experience from healing themselves inside the hideout.

Grizzly Medkits: The Best Option

The player points their pistol at a pair of scavs in Escape from Tarkov

If players decide to heal themselves in the hideout, the Grizzly Medical Kit is the best option. It treats every kind of injury and status effect currently in the game, and it restores 1800 health to boot. It's a two-by-two size in the inventory, so it's a bit too bulky to take out into the field. If the player has any in their hideout, they may as well use them there.

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Where To Find Grizzly Medkits

PMC Pointing in Escape From Tarkov Cropped

For players who want to save those rubel and gain that healing experience, it's best to go find some Grizzly Medkits out in the Tarkov itself. They can be consistently found in the following looting points on all maps:

  • Buried Barrel Caches
  • Ground Caches
  • Medbag SMU06
  • Sports Bags
  • Weapon Box (5x2)

Grizzly Medical Kits can also be crafted by combining four piles of meds, two CAT hemostatic tourniquets, and one aluminum splint at a level three Medstation. It takes one hour and 15 minutes to complete.

Escape from Tarkov is currently in open beta and is available to play on Windows platforms.

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