While exploring the world of Fallout 4, the player can come across all forms of wacky things — from a Mr. Gutsy robot enforcing mandatory curfew to a con artist trying to sell the player what’s essentially a fake credit card. However, none of these encounters come close to the urban legend of the Grenade Guy.

The player can only ever hear of this mysterious Grenade Guy in certain areas of Fallout 4. The raiders in these locations have specific dialogue pertaining to him. Although there’s no way to meet Grenade Guy in the game, the way he’s described certainly makes him hard to forget.

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The Grenade Guy of Fallout 4

As shown in the video from FluffyNinjaLlama, the first location where the Sole Survivor can hear about Grenade Guy is Hardware Town. Directly southwest of Diamond City in Fallout 4, this area has been overtaken by a band of raiders. Should the player head to the front entrance, a raider pretending to be a settler will call to them, asking for help, before running into the building. Though, of course, this is a trap. After killing off the raiders in Hardware Town, the player can then exit through the back door. There’ll be more raiders waiting outside, but if the player slips by undetected, two raiders will initiate a conversation.

In the conversation, the Fallout 4 raider tells his friend about an interesting individual that they tried to pull in with the same trick. This person followed the fake settler into Hardware Town and, when he realized he was in danger, started throwing grenades everywhere — except they weren’t grenades, just rocks. The raider explains that the strange man was making the sounds himself.

After throwing the rocks, the man started making machine gun noises and backing away toward the entrance. At this point, the raiders were too stunned to do anything, so the man managed to get away. Outside, he pretended to get on a motorcycle, making the starting, revving, and shifting noises as he escaped.

This isn’t the last the player hears about Grenade Guy. Another band of raiders holed up in the old parking lot by Trinity Plaza has seen him too. The place is northeast of Diamond City and directly west of the Combat Zone. If the Fallout player sneaks into the parking lot, they’ll hear another pair of raiders talking about the Grenade Guy.

One of the raiders explains that he was on watch duty, keeping an eye on the super mutants at Trinity Tower of Fallout 4. Suddenly, a man comes sprinting down the road, and he doesn’t stop, even as he sees the super mutants in the vicinity. Surprisingly, the super mutants don’t do anything either. Both them and the raiders were too shocked to do anything because the man was making weird sounds, as if he was riding a motorcycle.

There aren’t a lot of wastelanders in Fallout parroting motorcycle sounds in downtown Boston, so it’s safe to assume that this man and the one from Hardware Town are the same. The raider even notes that the man was making the gear-shifting noises. By the time he closes in on Trinity Tower, the man reaches into his bag and grabs another “grenade.” He pretends to pull the pin off with his teeth then throws it into the tower lobby. As he drives off, he mimics the sound of an explosion, leaving the raiders and the super mutants confused at what they’d just witnessed.

Thus ends the strange tale of the Grenade Guy. It’s a shame the player can’t meet him as it would have made for a very interesting encounter in Fallout 4. Still, one thing’s for sure: the legend of Grenade Guy will live on.

Fallout 4 is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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