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There are often many glitches and bugs that appear in Fallout 76. Some of these allow players to pick up items that are normally not for sale or supposed to be looted. One of these items is the Presidential Power Suit, which is not usually able to be picked up but is currently available.
While it is currently unknown how long the item will be available for looting, now is your chance to grab the Presidential Power Suit if you want to add the dapper outfit to your collection. Here's where you can find the special outfit, and how you can get it.

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Where to Find Presidential Power Suit in Fallout 76
If you want to get your own Presidential Power Suit for free in Fallout 76, you will want to start by heading to the Whitespring Resort. You can find this in the middle of the map, south of Cliffwatch and White Powder Winter Sports.
When you arrive here, you will want to go to the Whitespring Mall, which you can find in the lower levels. You can take the elevator in the Whitespring Refuge to reach this area. Then, once you are there, head through the shopping area with all the small stores. You will eventually come across a store called Bespoke, which sells a bunch of formal wear for men and women. Head inside here, and this is where you will have access to the Presidential Power Suit.
If you are having trouble finding Bespoke, it will be just across from Creekside Lodge, the store with a bear rug inside. It will also be relatively close to the seating area at the end of the hall with a bunch of protectrons circling the area.

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How to Get Presidential Power Suit in Fallout 76
Once you are inside Bespoke, there are a few spots where you can find the Presidential Power Suit. First, you can find it on the display just at the front of the shop, underneath the mannequin wearing a sweater vest. Make sure to hover over all of them to see if they can be picked up, since the bug is random.
You can also pick up the suits that are behind Tweed, the protectron worker. They will be in the case to the left of Tweed. If you do not see the suits, there are a few methods you can use:
- If there aren't any suits on the display, this means another player has already picked them up. Close the game and head back to the main menu, and open it up again to enter a new server. There should be some more here.
- If you have attempted to pick up the suits, but they won't let you grab them, many players have suggested resetting the server, or entering a Private server. This will require you to have Fallout 1st, but it seems to be the most tried-and-true method.
Once you've picked it up, you will be able to wear it, and it will give you +2 Charisma. It is unknown how long it will be available for looting, so make sure to grab it as soon as possible.