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With a full completionist run of the game clocking in at around the 100-hour mark, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is considerably longer than its 2020 predecessor. In fact, it somehow manages to pack in more content than the original release of Final Fantasy 7 despite only covering around a third of the PS1 classic's main story.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Review

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is an epic-scale adventure with an unforgettable cast of characters that will keep players busy for dozens of hours.

To say that there's a ridiculous amount crammed into the game would therefore be a bit of an understatement, with side content and mini-games helping to pad out total playtime quite a bit. This Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth guide will help steer players through this ocean of content and includes a full walkthrough, side quest guides, and information about weapons and Materia.
