While working on the Atlantis bestiary and solving the latest puzzles in Roblox's Fisch, players can also grab totems and high-tier rods to level up their gameplay. This time around, there are seven new fishing rods available to buy and use.

One of these is the stunning golden Champions Rod. As an Atlantis-exclusive tool, it comes with a hefty price tag, but if you're looking to complete your collection or need a decent rod to help you complete some bestiaries, it could be a good option. This guide will walk you through the location and stats of the Champions Rod in Fisch, and how you can go about getting it.

How To Get The Abyssal Specter Rod In Fisch

To get the Abyssal Specter Rod, you must complete a certain trial in Fisch, and here's all you need to know to overcome this Roblox challenge.

How To Get The Champions Rod In Fisch

atlantis in fisch

The Champions Rod can be found in the main lobby of Atlantis in Fisch. Start by sailing to this new region. Those who don't know where Atlantis is yet can head over to the Grand Reef, stand in its thunderstruck area at the top, and use the Heart of Zeus. If you don't have this item, you’ll need to pull all five Forsaken Shores hidden levers and use the TNT at the sunken temple to grab it. Soon after doing that, you'll be teleported to Atlantis. Thankfully, the first place you'll land is the main chamber, where you'll find the Champions Rod. Unlike other Atlantis rods, you don’t have to solve any complicated riddles to get it.

Simply head to the middle of the chamber near the giant rocks and look to the left of the Inn Keeper (a ghost-like NPC). Once you spot the Champions Rod, interact with it to make the purchase. The Champions Rod costs 1,000,000 in-game coins, which is pretty steep. Fishing at the Grand Reef or Atlantean Storm bestiaries can help, as they award many legendary and mythical fish to sell.

Fisch's Champions Rod Stats

champions rod in fisch

The Champions Rod has decent stats, but it’s pretty pricey for what it offers in Fisch. Here’s a quick look at its stats:

  • Luck: 65%
  • Strength: 200,000 KG
  • Resilience: 25%
  • Control: 0.2 (20%)
  • Lure Speed: 45%

Its strength stands out the most, letting players catch fish up to 200,000 KG—something most rods with similar stats can’t achieve. It’s strong enough to reel in the Kraken or even the Megalodon, but boosting other stats with enchantments and luck-based items is still a must to make the most of the Champions Rod. If you’re looking for a budget-friendly option, the Summit Rod is a solid alternative. It only costs 300,000 in-game cash and, with the right enchantments, can compete or even outperform the Champions Rod.

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September 1, 2006
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