
  • Xbox Game Pass offers 510 games on Ultimate tier, with 473 on PC Game Pass alone, covering various genres.
  • The continuously adds new titles monthly, guaranteeing a wide variety of gaming experiences for fans. Soulslike fans in particular have a lot to enjoy.
  • Xbox Game Pass has a special affinity for Soulslike games, with recent addition, Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn, proving as much. Other standout soulslikes include Another Crab's Treasure, Wo Long, and Lies of P.

According to Microsoft's official website, Xbox Game Pass currently has 510 games on offer via its Ultimate tier, with 473 games being available on PC Game Pass alone. Of those 510, gamers are sure to find at least a handful of games from every conceivable genre, from action to strategy to simulation and everything in between. And that handful is sure to run the gamut of first-party, third-party, and Indie releases.

Variety is Xbox Game Pass' whole deal, and it's something that's remained a vital component of the service since its launch in 2017. With every batch of new titles that hits Game Pass every month, fans are guaranteed to find a wide variety of genres and experiences. This month alone, Xbox Game Pass has added sports games, platform fighters, action-strategies, and open-world action-adventures. But while Xbox Game Pass is home to all types of video game experiences, there's one genre it seems to have a particular penchant for, and the recent addition of Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn seems to cement that feeling.

Xbox Game Pass' Price Hike Could Have Been Handled Much Better

Microsoft has just announced a major price increase for all of its Xbox and PC Game Pass tiers, and its rollout could have been handled much better.


Xbox Game Pass Is a Hub for Soulslikes

With the release of Demon's Souls in 2009 and Dark Souls in 2011, a new type of action-adventure game was released into the world. A compelling blend of methodical, slower-paced combat, brutal challenge, and light RPG elements formed the basis of what would go on to be known as the Soulslike genre, a genre that's continued to grow exponentially more popular over the last decade or so. And as the Soulslike genre has continued to grow, Xbox Game Pass has continued to grow right alongside it.

For years now, Soulslike games have thrived on Xbox Game Pass, and they've been a consistent part of the service's monthly line-up. These Soulslikes have ranged from huge AAA entries like Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, to Indie games like Death's Door, and a whole swathe in between. Many of these additions have also been day-one launches on the service, with well-known games like Another Crab's Treasure, Lies of P, and Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty all being soulslikes that hit Xbox Game Pass on release day.

The Soulslike genre is, rather famously, quite difficult for newcomers to get into. A higher level of difficulty, a greater reliance on skill-based combat, and some more obtuse gameplay mechanics and narrative devices can leave Soulslike newcomers feeling a bit overwhelmed. But this is where Xbox Game Pass' close relationship with the Soulslike genre becomes mutually beneficial for both parties. Xbox Game Pass allows Soulslike newcomers to dip their toes into the often intimidating genre for no extra cost, and that gives the game a better chance of succeeding and gives Xbox Game Pass more titles to add to its ever-growing service.

Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn Continues Game Pass' Soulslike Trend

Released just a few days ago, Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn is the latest entry in Xbox Game Pass' Soulslike strategy. Much like titles such as Lies of P and Another Crab's Treasure before it, Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn is an ambitious smaller-scale Soulslike that may not be perfect but has a lot of innovative ideas and is certainly worth checking out for fans of the genre, making it the perfect Xbox Game Pass addition. And just like past Soulslikes, Flintlock's place on Xbox Game Pass is sure to bring more players on board while also adding another solid game to the service, marking another win-win scenario.

Xbox Game Pass Ultimate
Xbox Game Pass Ultimate
$40 $42 Save $2

Xbox Game Pass Ultimate is the highest tier of Microsoft's flagship game subscription service that offers over 100 game titles that you can play with a single purchase, making it one of the most outstanding value propositions of the Xbox ecosystem to date.