A brand new Quick Challenge has just arrived in?Fortnite, and it instructs players to set off five fireworks around Lazy Lake. Those fans?that take the time to tackle this challenge will be rewarded with a cool 14,000 XP, and indeed that is a nice compliment to the XP that can be earned by completing the?Fortnite?Season 3 Week 3 challenges that are also now available. However, before a player can set off fireworks around Lazy Lake they will need to know exactly where to find them, and this guide has all of the details.
Before providing the locations of all of?Fortnite's Lazy Lake fireworks, it is important to mention that these explosives can only be set off one time per match. As such, if a player finds that there are no fireworks at the locations indicated in the map below then it is likely that another fan has already launched them.
With that established, this is where players can find all of the fireworks around?Fortnite's Lazy Lake, and there are six of them in total:
Once a player has located a firework around Lazy Lake in?Fortnite all that they have to do is interact with it and it will launch. This will result in quite a colorful display, and many fans are sure to notice that the explosion looks very much like Captain America's shield. This seems like fairly good indication that the leaked?Fortnite Captain America skin is indeed on the way, and it is currently believed that the cosmetic will appear in the Item Shop?later today.
To note, there is a weekly challenge that also takes place at Lazy Lake, and players may want to knock it out while they are launching fireworks in the area. More specifically, the weekly challenge tasks fans with finding floating rings in?Fortnite, and there are four of them to be discovered in this location. Additionally, there is a new Blue XP Coin that can be obtained by breaking the telescope found across the river to the east, and?it will net players some additional XP and progress on a Punch Card.
Fortnite?is available now Android, iOS, PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One, with PS5 and Xbox Series X versions in development.