The end of Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4 is less than a month away, which means that the Battle Pass won't be available for much longer. Gamers who don't complete the Battle Pass in time will lose all access to it once the next Fortnite season starts. Thankfully, the Triarch Aurora Level Up Quest Pack will remain in the Item Shop until the end of the season.

Fortnite: All Chapter 4 Season 4 Battle Pass Skins

Fortnite players can unlock up to eight different skins with the new Chapter 4 Season 4 Battle Pass.

With the help of this level up pack, players can increase their season level by a total of 28 levels, as long as they collect the Triarch Tokens scattered throughout the Fortnite map. This guide will show fans where they can find all the Triarch Tokens made available with the release of the pack's second set of quests.

Part 2 Triarch Token Locations

level up tokens week 2 locations on map

Players can now collect the seven Triarch Tokens released with the second set of level up quests, which means they will be able to increase their Fortnite account level by a total of seven levels. To do this, they must find all the tokens scattered near the Sanguine Suites POI. Here is where to go to collect them:

Triarch Token



The first Week 2 Triarch Token is located next to the dirt road that leads to Sanguine Suites; it's just by the hill, west of Crusty Crates.


The first token points north, and if players follow its indication, they will find the second token up ahead on a zipline.


The third token can be found on the next zipline, farther north - it will take gamers to Sanguine Suites.


There is a small roundabout near the entrance of Sanguine Suites, and fans will easily spot the Level Up Token on the roundabout.


The fifth token is near the security structure by the beach on the southwestern side of the location.


There is a zipline up ahead, on the northwestern corner of the POI - this is where the sixth token can be collected.


The last Triarch Token is on the nearby zipline leading south.

Part 2 Triarch Aurora Level Up Quest Pack Reward

triarch aurora week 2 reward weapon wrap

Finishing the second set of Triarch Aurora Level Up Pack Quests will make players eligible to unlock one of the pack's rewards. Once players have collected a total of 14 Triarch Tokens, they'll be done with the pack's second Bonus Goal, and they will receive the Blazing Dawn wrap.

Fortnite is available on Mobile, PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Fortnite: All Chapter 4 Season 4 Milestone Quests