Freedom Wars Remastered is a dystopian action RPG set in a future where humanity is confined to Panopticons, and forced to fight for their freedom. Players take on the role of a Sinner, someone working off a million-year sentence by completing missions and proving their worth to society.

Customization plays a significant role in the game, with clothes and accessories allowing players to personalize their character's appearance. These extensive character customizations have no effect on the main story and provide no gameplay advantage, but they are fun to explore. Here’s how players can change clothes and accessories in the game.

Freedom Wars Remastered: How To Unlock Other Thorns

There are three Thorns to choose from in Freedom Wars Remastered; here's how to unlock and equip new ones.

How to Change Clothes & Accessories In Freedom Wars Remastered

To access clothes and accessories in Freedom Wars, you must progress in the main story until you return to your cell, with your Accessory stationed nearby. After completing a few Basic Operations, you’ll gain access to the Window of Liberty on the Terminal. This feature allows you to claim various Entitlements, including items tied to customization.

One of the available Entitlements is Aesthetic Entitlements, which includes a variety of categories such as clothing permits, headphones, color palettes, and glasses. You can preview these items to see how they look on your character before making a selection. Keep in mind that each item costs Entitlement Points, which can be earned by donating resources to the Panopticon. Choose wisely to match your style!

How To Equip Clothes & Accessories In Freedom Wars Remastered

After purchasing permits for various items, you can head over to the "Request Image Overhaul" tab on the Terminal to equip your accessories and customize your character's appearance.

Check out the Color Palettes tab, where you can change the color of each component of your outfit, as well as your glasses and headphones, making you truly stand out from other players.

Additionally, you’ll eventually have the option to customize your Accessory, who aids you in battle and navigates the Panopticon. However, this feature will initially be locked and becomes available later in the game as you progress through the story.

Freedom Wars Remastered Tag Page Cover Art

January 10, 2025