HBO's Game of Thrones has its fair share of memorably dynamic characters, including Jon Snow, Ned Stark, Daenerys Targaryen, and Arya Stark, along with Tyrian, Jamie, and Cersei Lannister. Sandor Clegane aka The Hound and Gregor Clegane aka The Mountain are also very intriguing, recognized for their enormous physicality, violently brute strength, and dark sense of humor.

While The Hound and The Mountain are considered two of the most powerful warriors in Westeros, they are also brothers with plenty of bad blood and dark personal history between them. The fact that this sibling rivalry went on throughout the majority of the series is a testament to the power of both characters and their respective paths.

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Who were the Hound and the Mountain?


The Hound and The Mountain are brothers who never liked each other, especially since both men strive to be the best, most ruthless fighter in Westeros. Both men have devoted their services to House Lannister, with Sandor serving as King Joffrey Baratheon's personal bodyguard, while Gregor protects Cersei Lannister under the Kingsguard. Sandor and Gregor have each made several enemies over time (which is unsurprising considering their reputations as cold-blooded killers). However, while Gregor has, for the most part, continued to be an evil character, Sandor is the one who transforms the most throughout the show.

Weighing over four-hundred pounds and nearly eight feet tall, Gregor served under Cersei's father, Tywin, before Cersei became the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms at King's Landing. Gregor has a reputation for committing heinous war crimes for the Lannisters, including extreme violence, rape, and murder. Aside from Sandor, one of Gregor's greatest adversaries is Oberyn Martell (a breakthrough role for Pedro Pascal) since The Mountain raped and murdered Oberyn's sister Elia and her children. Oberyn comes very close to defeating Gregor in a trial by combat, but The Mountain ultimately prevails by knocking Oberyn's teeth out and smashing his skull (although Gregor would go through a physical transformation after being poisoned by Oberyn's spear).

Despite his physical changes, Gregor continued to kill and serve for Queen Cersei (even beheading Daenerys' personal assistant Missandei during the final season of the show). Sandor served King Joffrey by fighting in several battles but disapproved of the way he assaulted his bride Sansa Stark. After losing many of his men in the Battle of the Blackwater against Stannis Baratheon and his army, The Hound became disgusted with Joffrey's poor leadership and left King's Landing. Sandor would go on his own path involving rough fights with enemies old and new (such as the grand battle against the White Walkers) while managing to gain allies, including Arya Stark who hates Sandor for killing her friend Mycah (a butcher's boy) but gain respect for each other's respective journey.

Why did the Hound and the Mountain hate each other?


The Hound and The Mountain always hated each other, even when they were kids. During their childhood, Gregor shoved Sandor's face into a brazier, leaving The Hound with severe facial burns and a fear of fire throughout his career due to that traumatic experience. Sandor not only wanted to get back at Gregor for burning his face, but he also disliked his brother's lack of morality and humanity as a knight who sadistically kills and rapes for fun. The Hound understands that he's also a killer who deserves punishment for his actions, but he at least has more of a moral code compared to The Mountain and learns to forgive those he has murdered and mistreated.

The hatred between the brothers is also due to their extremely aggressive and sensitive behaviors, with both exhibiting a history of violence and cruelty towards each other and those around them. The Hound does have a sarcastic sense of humor with his rugged voice and profanities, while The Mountain rarely talks but also has a brutish tone and unlikable personality.

What happened to the Hound and the Mountain?


After several seasons of fans eagerly anticipating the final battle between the brothers (appropriately called the Cleganebowl), The Hound and The Mountain confront each other in the second-to-last episode of season eight titled "The Bells." As Daenerys devours King's Landing with her powerful dragons in order to take the throne from Cersei and avenge Missandei's death, Arya also seeks to kill Cersei, and The Hound searches for his brother. In another moment of compassion, Sandor acts as a father figure towards Arya by telling her to leave behind her vengeful quest, so she can live and move forward with her life. As Arya thanks Sandor (even calling him by name for the only time), they go their separate ways.

Once Sandor encounters Gregor, The Mountain abandons his position to protect Cersei for the first time, and the brothers engage in a brutal sword fight as King's Landing is burning to the ground. While Gregor is still the bigger and more powerful fighter, The Hound manages to punch, slice, and stab The Mountain numerous times. Gregor even comes close to gouging Sandor's eyes until The Hound puts a knife through The Mountain's face. Realizing that the only way to defeat Gregor is by sacrificing himself, Sandor pushes his big brother off the castle and they both fall to their deaths in a fiery inferno.

Gregor's physical transformation never stopped him from being a ruthless killer, while Sandor knew he was the only one who could defeat his evil brother. The Hound also recognized that he would have to sacrifice himself to come full circle on his journey of vengeance and redemption.

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