Of all the elemental bosses currently available in Genshin Impact, the Oceanid in Liyue has garnered a bad reputation for being the most tedious. Developer miHoYo has attempted to alleviate this with a rework of the boss fight with the current Wishful Drops and Raging Rhodeia limited events.

To face the new boss, Genshin Impact players must travel to the Oceanid boss location north of Wuwang Hill. At the location, players must interact with the box in the center of the platform rather than step into the pool of water to trigger the boss fight.

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It is important to note that like all other bosses in Genshin Impact, fighting Raging Rhodeia costs 40 original resin to claim the rewards from the fight. Additionally, players can use the "Heart of the Spring" reward gained through the daily Wishful Drops investigations to claim the rewards from the fight.

wuwang hill map

Unlike the original Oceanid boss fight, in the fight against Raging Rhodeia players must contend with the boss itself rather than a series of hydro elementals. As a result, there are several unique attacks that players will have to look out for.

Two of Raging Rhodeia's most common attacks are its Hydro Pump and Rush ability. During its Rush ability, Rhodeia will quickly dash towards the player and then proceed to follow up the attack with a subsequent dash. Quickly maneuver out of the way of the dash attack, but be careful not to forget the follow-up dash.


For Rhodeia's Hydro Pump ability the boss will continuously blast a stream of water at the player for a prolonged period of time. This attack can do significant damage, but if the player makes sure that they are always moving it can be easily avoided.


Another common attack that Rhodeia will utilize is its Tail Slam ability. During the attack, Rhodeia will slam its tail which results in three water pools being generated that burst after a short period of time. When Rhodeia slams its tail, quickly move out of the vicinity as the water pools deal significant proximity damage.

jean whirpool

One of Rhodeia's most challenging moves to dodge is its Whirpool Trap ability. When cast, Rhodeia will begin to summon several large whirlpools that deal considerable damage to the player. When this move is cast, find any space on the platform that is out of the way of the massive pools.

water bomb

Rhodeia's ultimate ability is its Giant Water Bomb attack. During the move, Rhodeia will float in the air and proceed to drop a large hydro bomb on the platform. Because the AOE of this move is so large, the only way to effectively avoid the attack is by utilizing the various water geysers that are generated throughout the fight. When the player stands on the geyser, it will propel them up, making them temporarily out of reach to some of Rhodeia's more powerful attacks.

After players have defeated Rhodeia they can claim the rewards from the blossom that is generated. Unlike traditional boss battles which award players with rare artifact sets, the Raging Rhodeia boss only awards players with character leveling materials. As a result, players looking to farm gems or gladiator set artifacts should spend their original resin elsewhere.

Genshin Impact?is available for Mobile, PC, and PS4, with PS5 and Switch versions in development.

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