Half-Life 3 is a project that has maintained a huge level of excitement and expectation for almost 20 years, despite essentially no official confirmation about the title ever being announced by Valve. Given how defining and iconic the past entries to the FPS franchise have been, it is no wonder that fans still remain so hopeful for a third major entry, and this has famously given way to a huge number of leaks, rumors, theories, and hoaxes over the years.
As time has passed, some fans have resigned themselves to the opinion that Half-Life 3 will never see the light of day, although belief in the project still somehow spikes within the community even to this day. The past few months have strangely seen huge amounts of ground-breaking information be revealed around Half-Life 3, with players even finally getting the first official glimpses of the earliest builds of the project that Valve scrapped years ago. The amount of information coming directly from Valve, as well as some other massive developments from a famous Half-Life voice actor, have combined to create some of the most valid and hopeful rumors about Half-Life 3 that have ever been seen.

Valve Reveals Bizarre Origins of Half-Life 2's Gnome Chompski
A Valve designer reveals the origins of Half Life 2: Episode Two's Gnome Chompski prop and the Little Rocket Man achievement.
The Stars May Have Finally Aligned For Half-Life 3
The recent uptick in Half-Life 3 discourse came about with the celebrations around Half-Life 2's 20th anniversary back in November, with Valve smartly marking this occasion with a number of improvements and generous sales regarding the iconic 2004 title and its episodic sequels. As was the case with the original Half-Life's 25th anniversary in 2023, HL2's celebrations also saw the release of a fascinating documentary, allowing the original development team to talk about the formulation of Half-Life 2 and the wider franchise.
To the surprise of many fans, the documentary even touched on the earliest iterations of Half-Life 3, including gameplay footage of these first builds, finally giving players a glimpse of the environments, enemies, weapons, and plot of the ever-elusive project. These plans for Half-Life 3 were eventually scrapped as Valve moved on to other releases, with Gabe Newell commenting on how the studio felt the technological developments had not yet been made to match the kind of captivating leaps that both Half-Life 1 and 2 introduced to the FPS genre and gaming as a whole.
Of course, many years have passed since these early scrapped plans, with Valve now working with the Source 2 engine, and rumors around Half-Life 3 have exploded thanks to Valve's uncharacteristically open communication about the game. The most eye-catching of these rumors recently came thanks to a social media post from Mike Shapiro, the legendary voice actor behind Half-Life's G-Man, telling fans of "unexpected surprises" in the new year alongside hashtags for Half-Life.
Mike Shapiro's Half-Life 3 Comments Are Backed Up By Recent Leaks
Shapiro's last post came in 2020 alongside the announcement of Half-Life Al, meaning this development has understandably got fans extremely excited. While the post does not directly assert any association with Half-Life 3, it seems definitely tied to some form of Half-Life project, with other rumors only increasing the belief that players are finally seeing the first official rumblings over a third entry.
Days prior to Shapiro's post, well-known Half-Life content creator and leaker "Gabe Follower" took to X to suggest that the earliest play-testing for Half-Life 3 is already underway at Valve. While this assertion should be taken with a grain of salt, the subsequent post made by Shapiro seems to paint a huge picture of further Half-Life developments in the near future. Fans have rightfully built up an immunity to Half-Life 3 rumors thanks to the many heartbreaks that they have brought over the past 17 years, but the official backing and scale of the most recent rumors about the title are simply too large to ignore.