When Hogwarts Legacy promised to bring the magical world of Harry Potter to the current generation of gaming, there were a lot of fans who began to fantasize about playing witches or wizards. Even though the game's story takes place many decades before the events of the books and movies, the ability to create characters means that players can do their best to replicate their favorites.

This includes Hermoine Granger, one of the famous trio who always brought her brains to every situation. She was one of Harry Potter's best friends, along with Ron Weasley, and it's only natural for players to want to bring her to this game.

Hogwarts Legacy: Best Clothing Mods You Should Try

Hogwarts Legacy's clothing mods allow players to revamp how their characters look, whether they prefer a whimsical or a dark aesthetic.

It is absolutely possible to bring Hermoine Granger to life; all players have to do is use the character creation options to create her. Now, there are a lot of options and sliders that people can use to change how their character appears, so it can be pretty overwhelming to figure it out at first. However, this guide is here to layout what players need to select for these options in order to create the brilliant witch.

Best Hermoine Granger Build

Hogwarts Legacy - Hermoine Build

Creating a character begins with their physical appearance, and as mentioned above, there are a lot of options to choose from. First, select a female preset and then use these values to make the best-looking Hermoine Granger:

  • Face shape: 2nd option
  • Skin Color: 2nd option
  • Glasses: None
  • Hair Color: 9th Option
  • Hairstyle: 12th option
  • Complexion: 7th option
  • Freckles and Moles: None
  • Scars and Markings: None
  • Eye Color: 5th option
  • Eyebrow Color: 2nd option
  • Eyebrow Shape: 2nd option
  • Tone: Voice 2
  • Pitch: 3rd option

Finally, select her dormitory as Witch to put the final detail on this appearance.

When it comes time for the player to choose a House, they should select Gryffindor to keep in line with the books and movies.

For roleplaying as Hermoine, she was a much more technical witch than a lot of the other characters. As such, she isn't going to use spells like Diffindo, Stupefy, or Incendio, but lean more towards using Expelliarmus and Accio.

When it comes to the Unforgivable Curses, as well, she would only dabble in the Imperius Curse, steering clear of Avada Kedavra and Crucio.

She would, also, absolutely be the top of the class, so she would attend every class that she could.