Hogwarts Legacy was a surprise hit that met and exceeded expectations at every turn. While Hogwarts Legacy does have a lot to offer, certain features or missions lack proper tutorials. For instance, Professor Garlick’s second assignment requires players to acquire three different combat plants and use them simultaneously, but it does not provide any further information.

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Professor Garlick’s second assignment may seem complicated, but it's actually deceptively simple. Since many players do not know how to complete this mission, this guide will cover everything there is to know about it, along with other useful information.

Steps For Using Combat Plants Simultaneously In Hogwarts Legacy

Professor Garlick Look in Hogwarts Legacy

First and foremost, you will need to acquire the following combat plants:

  1. The Chinese Chomping Cabbage
  2. The Mandrake
  3. The Venomous Tentacula

The good news is you can either purchase the required combat plants or grow them in The Room of Requirement.

  • You can get the Chinese Chomping Cabbage in the Greenhouse where the Herbology class takes place. Look for the second room, where you will find the combat plant. Here, you will also find the Venomous Tentacula as well.
  • If you want to get Mandrake, you will need to purchase it from Dogweed & Deathcap. You can also get seeds to grow Mandrake in the Room of Requirement.

Dogweed & Deathcap is located in Hogsmeade.

Once you get the required combat plants, you can use them simultaneously by following these simple steps:

  1. Equip Combat Plants during duels by pressing and holding the L1 on a PlayStation Controller, LB on an Xbox Controller, and the Tab button on a keyboard for PC.
  2. Select the Combat Plant of your choice to equip it.
  3. After equipping the Combat Plant, use it by pressing the L1 on a PlayStation Controller, LB on an Xbox Controller, and the Tab button on a keyboard for PC.
  4. Repeat the process for the three types of Combat Plants in quick succession to complete Professor Garlick’s assignment.

Upon completing Professor Garlick’s assignment, you will be rewarded with the Flipendo spell.

Now that you know how to use Combat Plants in quick succession, make the most of this information so that you can take out multiple foes or difficult enemies like Trolls or the Absconder without taking too much damage or losing your progress during a mission.