While playing Baldur’s Gate 3, players will come across several instances when their allies will go down, in which case they will need to be revived. Unlike other games, when allies go down, players cannot restart a checkpoint until the party is eliminated, which makes it even more important to revive them to fight on.

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Unfortunately, many players do not know how to revive Baldur’s Gate 3 characters. Fortunately, this guide will illustrate how players can revive characters in Baldur’s Gate 3, along with other helpful tidbits.

How to Revive Characters in Baldur’s Gate 3

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Players can revive characters in Baldur’s Gate 3 in one of four ways:

1. Saving Throws

When any character loses all their HP, they do not die immediately. The game will automatically roll a 20-sided die, called rolling saving throws. This process will either revive a character or cause them to die.

A life and death counter will appear once the game begins rolling saving throws. The player will get a death counter if the roll is ten or below. The player will get a stability counter if the roll exceeds ten. If the game rolls three times successfully, the character will be revived with some HP, but if it fails, the character will die.

2. Scroll of Revivify

Players can use a Scroll of Revivify to return the character’s soul to their body. Every character starts with this item and is available for use in the inventory.

If the player does not have a Scroll of Revivify, they can find more throughout the world of Baldur’s Gate 3. Players can also get more scrolls by purchasing them from merchants like Arron in Druid’s Grove. It is worth noting Scrolls of Revivify are not cheap, so players need to have enough gold to buy them.

To use a Scroll of Revivify, follow these simple steps:

  1. Select the scroll.
  2. Click to cast the scroll.
  3. Click on the dead character to revive them.

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3. Pay Withers

Players can revive characters by visiting Withers at the Dank Crypt. Withers is an undead NPC that can revive dead characters in exchange for 200 gold coins.

4. Cast Revivify

If the player is a Wizard or has one on their team, they can cast Revivify. The Revivify spell is no different from the Scroll of Revivify and does the same thing.

Revivify is a third-level spell, so the player must reach a specific level before learning the spell. Once learned, players can revive characters without a Scroll of Revivify.

It is worth noting that Revivify will occupy the third-level spell slot that could be used for other spells. For this reason, players should only use this spell as a last-ditch effort and then take a long break until they regain the spell slot.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is available on PC.