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Traders in Baldur's Gate 3 can react and interact with the player's protagonist in various ways. One of the most important mechanics in the game depends on how the citizens respond to the player's character and - more importantly - the trader's attitude toward them. Unsurprisingly, the trader's reactions will affect their prices when dealing with the protagonist, and this makes the difference between obtaining several essential items and weapons in Baldur's Gate 3.
Improving the protagonist's standing with traders will increase the gold the party receives from selling items and weapons. This guide will outline the best ways to increase the party's influence on traders in Baldur's Gate 3.
Change The Difficulty To Lower Prices In Baldur's Gate 3
The least time-consuming way to improve prices with traders for buying and selling is to lower the difficulty in Baldur's Gate 3. The game is meant to be played in a manner that suits all styles, and there's nothing wrong with lowering the challenge to obtain more items from traders. Here's how to change the difficulty in Baldur's Gate 3:
- Pause Baldur's Gate 3 for the in-game menu.
- Select Difficulty.
- Then lower it before trading with merchants.
Donate Useless Items To The Trader In Baldur's Gate 3
Some traders will have a good attitude toward to protagonist if they are of the same class or have other similarities in background. However, this standing can be improved further by donating unused items to traders. This is a great way to get rid of useless and low-value items that are cluttering up the party's inventory. To Barter items for free, use the following steps:
- Speak to the merchant and opt to trade.
- Select Barter on the trading screen.
- Select the unneeded and low-value items.
- The items will be added to the Your Offer section. Keep the Trader's Offer section blank.
- Select Barter or Accept Offer with the Y/Triangle button on the controller.
- A prompt will appear onscreen saying - You won't receive any gold for this trade. Are you sure you wish to proceed?
- Select Yes.
- The trader's attitude and discount toward the party will be improved.
- Players can continue doing this until their attitude reaches 100.
It's better to use this method with merchants with valuable items and weapons that are too expensive. Pick up junk and low-value items and offload them to the desired traders.
Baldur's Gate 3 is available now for PC platforms. The PlayStation 5 version is scheduled to launch on September 6th, 2023.