In a Game Rant exclusive trailer, Heart Machine offers a close look at one of Hyper Light Breaker's several playable characters, and this one may look familiar to fans of the game's predecessor. The Hyper Light Breaker character shown off in this trailer is Vermillion, an aptly named character who is a member of the same Blu race that The Drifter in Hyper Light Drifter hailed from.

Each of Hyper Light Breaker's playable characters boasts a unique playstyle that can be further refined through the equipment and other upgrades players acquire during their roguelike runs, and based on the trailer, Vermillion bears more than just an aesthetic similarity to The Drifter. Vermillion's playstyle looks to be a callback to the series' first entry.

Hyper Light Breaker's Vermillion Character Resembles The Drifter

The roughly thirty-second trailer kicks off by highlighting some of Vermillion's key characteristics. Heart Machine reveals that Vermillion is a native of the icy Northern Realms and is a "natural hunter." Like all of Hyper Light Breaker's playable characters, Vermillion has access to both ranged and melee weapons, and this arsenal along with his blinking dodge animation makes this character probably the closest one can get to emulating Hyper Light Drifter's gameplay in a third-person, open-world roguelike game.

The trailer then highlights Vermillion's SyComs, which function as class archetypes for each playable character. The first SyCom shown is Vermillion's Gunslinger SyCom, and as the name implies, it's tailored to Vermillion's ranged damage-dealing capabilities. As a Gunslinger, Vermillion possesses less HP and armor but has a significant boost to stamina, critical hits, and blast damage. Meanwhile, Vermillion's Tank SyCom is self-explanatory. Rocking the Tank SyCom gives Vermillion a healthy dose of additional HP and armor along with harder-hitting strikes, but at the cost of reduced stamina and ranged potential.

Throughout the trailer, gameplay footage shows Vermillion pulling off a wide variety of moves using a combination of ranged attacks and melee combos. In one scene, he's backflipping while delivering a powerful vertical swing with a sword before dashing away in iconic Hyper Light Drifter fashion. In another, he's fending off several enemies with a pistol. Like Hyper Light Drifter's protagonist, Vermillion will likely utilize a combination of ranged and melee attacks to succeed regardless of the chosen SyCom, though the choice of Gunslinger or Tank will determine which moments he'll shine the most. For fans of Hyper Light Drifter, Vermillion is looking to be an instant favorite.