The Like a Dragon spin-off, Judgment, gets a mod that restores the actor's likeness of a major character since the original was removed after launch. This spin-off has been a highly acclaimed game for the Like a Dragon franchise, where players take on the role of private detective Takayuki Yagami solving a murder mystery in Kamurocho. After being a console exclusive for almost four years, Judgment and its sequel finally got PC ports after much outcry from fans. With these games now on PC, the modding community has been having a blast with them.
One of these mods involves one of the central characters of Judgment, Kyohei Hamura. He is the clan captain of the Tojo Clan's Matsugane Family, where he is also a recurring boss and antagonist that players will come across in the story. When Judgment was first launched in 2018, he was portrayed by a famous Japanese actor in both likeness and voice, Pierre Taki. He starred in a number of films and TV Shows, including being the Japanese voice actor for Olaf from Disney's Frozen. However, he was arrested due to being involved in a major drug scandal in 2019, which also affected the release of Judgment in Japan and the West.
This resulted in Sega removing Taki's likeness from Judgment, briefly halting sales, and replacing him with Miou Tanaka for the version of the game players can buy now. This mod restores Taki's likeness and voice, so fans can get the experience as was originally intended at launch with this villain. This mod was created by Timo654, who gave a brief showcase of the mod using Hamura's introductory cutscene.
This mod was originally for the PS4 version of Judgment, which did the same thing in restoring Taki's performance for the game. The difference between Taki and Tanaka's performances in the game can affect how a player views the villain, especially one that is as integral as Hamura. This mod can be downloaded off of NexusMods, which also requires the Ryu Mod Manager tool to utilize it.
Despite the popularity of Hamura and the major role that he plays in the story, Sega has stated outright that due to Taki's involvement in the aforementioned drug scandal, Hamura would not be appearing in any sequels to the spin-off. Actor likenesses in Japan are taken very seriously, as the Judgment spin-off series was also put into jeopardy when Sega and Johnny's, a talent agency representing the game's lead actor Takuya Kimura, were butting heads about his likeness being utilized in a PC port of the game last year.
Judgment is available now for Luna, PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
Source: Nexus Mods