With Judgment and Lost Judgment finally getting their long-awaited PC releases, it means they’re now susceptible to modding. Why stick to the game’s regular rules, looks, and models when they can be altered for fun? Judgment stood out in particular because fans were able to put Yakuza captain Hamura’s original Pierre Taki model back into the game.
Lost Judgment didn’t have any recasts in its development, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have any decent mods. From the cosmetic to the crazy, here are some of the neatest Lost Judgment mods PC owners can download from NexusMods.
8 Disguise Anytime and More Disguises
During the game, players can get all of Yagami’s disguises from Judgment, and a few new ones along the way. Unfortunately, there are fewer opportunities to use them. There’s a Side Case here, a Mystery Research Club deal there, and that’s about it. Players can’t even put these funny outfits on for kicks.
That’s where Timo654 has fans covered. Their Disguise Anytime mod will let them walk around Kamurochō and Ijinchō in any disguise, be it Yagami’s Vampire outfit, his Work Clothes, or his Homeless outfit among others. Join it with their More Disguises mod, and he can put on his Dance Club, Biker Gang, and Boxing outfits. Just be forewarned that some mini-games won’t work unless Yagami’s in his default outfit.
7 Devil May Cry Costume Pack
Dressing up in other outfits is fun enough but dressing up as other characters is even better. At least MikominMM thought so when they made this mod. It replaces all the outfits the key characters wear with ones from the Devil May Cry series. Want Yagami to look like Dante? Or Amasawa from the MRC to look like Lady? MikominMM has those wishes covered.
It comes with a few minor clipping issues and collision oddities, but it’s nothing that will break the game. The only big oddity is that it replaces Kaito with Mikiko from the Kaito Files DLC. She looks pretty enough dressed as Trish, though she’ll still speak with Crispin Freeman/Shinshu Fuji’s voice. Because it wouldn’t be a PC mod if it wasn’t odd.
6 Beta Yagami
It’s not often that one game has beta data for a future game in its files, but it does happen. Yakuza Kiwami 2 had a rough 3D model design for Yagami hidden in its files, alongside some unfinished data for his moves. He was significantly different from his final look, where popular Japanese actor/musician Takuya Kimura lent his face to the game as well as his voice.
This model could be modded back into Yakuza Kiwami 2 and Judgment, so it was only a matter of time until it became an option for Lost Judgment as well. Created by adidaskote, the mod will replace the standard Kimura Yagami with the beta model, complete with his scruffy beard and red trousers. It also works with the Disguise Anytime and More Disguises mod for additional variety. Unfortunately, flag textures will not work, and the hair mesh may look janky with certain disguises. But as it is, it’s a nice look back at what could’ve been.
5 SMAP x SMAP Takuya Kimura
Kimura isn’t a household name in the West, but he is a big deal in the East. His boyband, SMAP, was one of the biggest acts across Asia from 1988 right up until 2016. They also had a popular TV show, SMAP x SMAP, which had appearances from Lady Gaga, Madonna, and Michael Jackson among others.
The show involved the band doing random comedy skits in between their tunes, including one where Kimura dressed as a cop. AidanCorgi found it funny enough to reproduce in Lost Judgment, glasses, mustache, and all. It’s a fun reference for J-Pop fans and a funny costume for everyone else. With Ryu Ga Gotoku Ishin making it westward, maybe AidanCorgi could follow this up with a Blade of the Immortal Kimura mod for it to fit the samurai theme.
4 FaithfulMoody Reshade
It’s not all wacky costumes and disguises though. This mod by LemonMan25 gives Lost Judgment a full-on visual overhaul. Kind of. It’s not particularly dramatic. Still, while the Yakuza series and its spin-offs have their fans, they’re also not shy when they’re not so keen on a game’s look. Like when they produced a mod that got rid of Yakuza Kiwami 2’s green filter.
Lost Judgment luckily doesn’t have that, but it does have a slightly gray look to it. In its default vanilla state, it can look like the gamma setting is turned up too much. LemonMan25’s mod fixes that by altering the B/W setting, making the game look brighter and bolder as a result. They can be tweaked more with MXAO, which players can flick on and adjust via a slider. Though if their PC isn’t particularly sturdy, it might be best for them to leave it off, or it could cause performance and visual issues.
3 Kaito and Yagami Universal Movelist Redux
The Kaito Files gave fans a more familiar Yakuza experience as Yagami’s partner in fighting crime plays closer to the main series’ top protagonist Kazuma Kiryu. Mainly in that his Bruiser style is basically Kiryu’s Brawler style from Yakuza 0 with some tweaks. Surely there are other characters RGG Studio could’ve cribbed moves from. This is where the modder Kazuma Kiryu and uploader ruschyakuzafan1995 come in.
Their mod completely alters Kaito’s fighting style and tweaks Yagami’s for good measure too. With it, Kaito can do the Dragon Fall’s counter from Yakuza 4’s Saejima, the Counter Grab from Yakuza 0’s Awano, and the throws from Lost Judgment boss Akutsu among others. While Yagami gains a few of his rival Kuwana’s moves in Snake style. If anyone didn’t like how Kaito played in the DLC, this mod will give them an all-new way to play him.
2 Increase Encounter Health
Fighting in Lost Judgment can be fun, whether it’s leaping about in Crane style, connecting with a Flux Fissure in Tiger style, or parrying fools with Snake style. It certainly doesn’t skimp on giving players the chance to flex their combat skills, as Kamurochō and Ijinchō provide plenty of roaming NPC goons to fight.
SenpaiKillerFire felt these bouts ended too quickly, so they came up with a mod for those who want more than a Hard Mode setting. It doubles the NPCs’ health chapter by chapter, maxing out at 10 times their normal amount. They also offer a flat 10x mod in the Posts section for the really hardcore. It doesn’t affect bosses or long battle sections, but it’s not for a lack of trying.
1 Cheat Table
The Yakuza series has been compared to Grand Theft Auto in the past for also being an open-world game involving the criminal underworld, gangs, and a shed load of violence. Though then again, neither it nor the Judgment series really get as wild as its Western forebear. The protagonists can’t attack random passers-by, and they can’t actually commit grand theft of automobiles. With Fisto’s Cheat Table mod, players can add a little more Rockstar to Lost Judgment.
Having trouble with tailing and timed sections? Switch on Infinite Time to get through it! Can’t afford those key items? Get Infinite Cash! Hate that annoying Robotics Club side game? The Infinite Items cheat will make building bots a breeze. It also offers Infinite Health, EX Gauge, Extract Duration, and SP. Fisto plans on adding more to it in the future too, though chances are they won’t be putting in a GTA-style flying tank. Shame. It would’ve made the Biker Gang Missions more fun.
Lost Judgment is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and Amazon Luna.