In Manor Lords, wealth management is crucial to sustaining a healthy economy, and is split into regional wealth and treasury. Regional wealth increases when citizens produce and export goods, while the treasury thrives on taxes. Tactful economic management is necessary to avert the risks of excessive and insufficient taxation.

Strategic taxation can help prevent economic crises and ensure steady treasury growth. The following guide aims to share tips on understanding taxation in Manor Lords to grow a prosperous economy.

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Regional Wealth in Manor Lords, Explained

Adjusting tax rates in Manor Lords

Taxation unlocks after players build their manor, found under the Administration section. The manor allows players to impose taxes on the populace, deducted directly from regional wealth.

Higher tax rates tend to impact the economy negatively if the regional wealth grows sluggishly.

Understanding how regional wealth is generated and spent is crucial, since taxes are derived from it. Regional wealth is primarily generated by exporting excess resources. However, higher-leveled Burgage Plots also generate 2 to 3 Regional Wealth per month. Commonly, Regional Wealth is spent on upgrading structures and importation of animals.

Considering this, it’s advisable to actively adjust tax rates based on the growth and expenditure of regional wealth. It’s unwise to levy fixed taxes when regional wealth dwindles.

What Are Taxes in Manor Lords?

Increasing taxes in Manor Lords

Since taxes are the only source of a lord’s income, finding a comfortable tax rate is also equally important. Heavy taxation typically leads to a rapid decline in regional wealth, in addition to a drop in citizens’ approval of the lord.

Personal money or treasury is needed to hire mercenaries, train militia, and to settle in new regions. Players wishing to expand their territory quickly should focus on growing their treasury at a faster rate, meaning, raising tax rates.

At the time of writing this guide, Manor Lords features two taxation methods: Land Tax and Tithe. Players seeking to grow personal wealth should pay greater attention to Land Tax over Tithe. For those curious about Tithe: it’s a small food donation made to the church in exchange for Influence.

When adjusting taxes, clicking the plus or minus button modifies the tax rate by 10%. However, players can also set specific rates by typing the desired percentage manually.

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When To Raise Tax Rates in Manor Lords

Manor showcased in Manor Lords

Increasing tax rates is the fastest method of growing the lord’s treasury. However, as mentioned earlier, high taxes come with their risks. Listed below are a few important details that can help manage the risks of raising tax rates:

  • Ensure the settlement has a steady production of food, as it is the most important resource in Manor Lords. Running out of food can put pressure on food imports for necessary resources, leading to a steep decline in regional wealth.
  • Ensure the population consistently produces resources for export.
  • Avoid building additional Burgage Plots if there isn’t enough food to sustain population growth.
  • Upgrade existing Burgage Plots to generate passive income.
  • If players are preparing to acquire a new territory, they may consider raising tax rates to meet war goals.
  • Ensure above 60% population approval.

When To Lower Tax Rates in Manor Lords

A cart entering the trading post in Manor Lords

Similar to understanding the conditions for raising tax rates, the following guidelines should help players assess when to lower tax rates:

  • When Regional Wealth drops or stops flowing at a steady rate.
  • When exports are sold at lower prices at trade stations.
  • If two or more farms are set to go fallow for the next year.
  • If the supply stock is insufficient to sustain the next three months.
  • When the population approval is dropping rapidly.
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