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Marvel Rivals is a 6v6 hero shooter inspired by the monumentally popular Marvel universe. It is a team game in its nature, so NetEase Games have firmly leaned into this concept by utilizing a feature that calls on the relationships formed between characters across the cinematic and comic book universes of the pop culture giant.

Cooperative abilities and bonuses are a unique feature to the game, all of which have interesting lore behind them and offer players the opportunity to gain distinct advantages in battle, depending on the composition of their team. Given the importance of winning, players will benefit from understanding what Team-Ups are in Marvel Rivals and which character combinations use them.

Is It Just Me, Or Is Marvel Rivals Looking Like a Huge W?

Big franchises will always have their critics, but honestly it looks like Marvel RIvals?is being set up for success. You don't have to grind to unlock characters, there's a healthy mix of well-known and more niche heroes/villains, overall character designs look great (I know people have mixed feelings about Wolverine), and the roster is absolutely stacked. 33 characters on launch?! Get outta here! If the overall experience is anything like the beta, then I've found a shooter I'll be putting some serious hours into.

What Are Team-Ups in Marvel Rivals?

The ESU Alumnus Team-Up from Marvel Rivals

Given the intertwining relationships between many of the personalities in the Marvel universe, Marvel Rivals has introduced a Team-Up feature to their game. Team-Ups are bonuses applied to certain characters if they are on the same team as their allies or franchise counterparts. These cooperative abilities will offer unique boosts in areas like damage and health, which would otherwise not be available if the participating characters weren't side-by-side on the battlefield.

There are a total of 15 different Team-Up combinations at the time of launch, with NetEase ensuring every character has at least one bond they can utilize to their advantage in combat.

All Team Up Combinations & Their Abilities

A Team-Up being activated in Marvel Rivals

There are 15 Team-Ups players can use, with the names, members, and abilities all being explained below:




Allied Agents

Hawkeye & Black Widow

Hawkeye's Ultimate (Hunter's Sight), can be shared with Black Widow.

Ammo Overload

Rocket, Punisher, & Winter Soldier

When Winter Soldier and Punisher are within range of Rocket's Ammo Overload Device, they get Infinite Ammo and Faster Firing buffs.

Atlas Bond

Iron Fist & Luna Snow

Iron Fist's Chi of Shou-Lao can be channelled into Luna, which creates an icy ring around her. She can launch the right to chill and slow enemies, while healing allies.

Chilling Charisma

Luna Snow, Namor, & Jeff

Luna infuses her ice energy into Namor & Jeff's water abilities, which they can activate for higher damage attacks.

Dimensional Shortcut

Magik, Black Panther, & Psylocke

Black Panther and Psylocke can use Magik's Limbo ability to go back in time a few seconds to their previous position. Once completed, they all receive a percentage of their missing health back.

ESU Alumnus

Spider-Man & Squirrel Girl

Spider-Man shares his Web Bombs with Squirrel Girl, allowing her to launch an explosive that temporarily immobilizes enemies.

Fastball Special

Bruce Banner & Wolverine

Hulk can throw Wolverine a greater distance than Logan's leaping ability, allowing him to do more damage.

Gamma Charge

Bruce Banner, Dr Strange, & Iron Man

Hulk passively charges Strange and Iron Man with gamma radiation, making their Maelstrom of Madness and Armor Overdrive abilities, respectively, more potent.

Guardian Revival

Adam Warlock, Mantis, & Star-Lord

Warlock's revival ability is passed to both Mantis and Star-Lord, allowing them to activate a revival cocoon and jump straight back into the action.

Lunar Force

Cloak and Dagger & Moon Knight

Cloak and Dagger's light and dark energy enable Moon Knight the ability to become invisible by creating a Light & Dark Realm.

Metallic Chaos

Scarlet Witch & Magneto

Scarlet Witch can enchant Magneto's blade with Chaos Energy, which Magneto can activate for significantly stronger melee attacks.

Planet X Pals

Groot, Rocket, & Jeff

Rocket and Jeff can ride on Groot's shoulders, which gives them a Damage Reduction buff.

Ragnarok Rebirth

Hela, Loki, & Thor

If Hela lands a killing blow, she will revive Thor and Loki if they are awaiting respawn, or grant them bonus health.

Symbiote Bond

Venom, Spider-Man, & Peni Parker

Venom shares his symbiotes with Spider-Man and Peni, which they can use as a potent exploding spike ability.

Voltaic Union

Thor, Storm, & Captain America

Thor grants Storm and Captain America bonus electric abilities. With this, Storm can unleash a barrage of lightning, while Cap gets a boost in movement speed and the ability to electrocute enemies with his thunder-infused shield.

Given the above information, it is worth noting that Hulk, Rocket, Luna Snow, Thor, Spider-Man, and Jeff the Land Shark all have more than one team-up available. This means that, with the right team composition, you could wield more than one Team-Up ability as one of these characters.

Marvel Rivals Tag Page Cover Art