When gamers think of Minecraft, usually their first thoughts are of anything but terror. After all, Minecraft has cultivated a glowing image of accessibility, simplicity, and near-limitless creativity, offering an experience players of any age can enjoy.

Contrasting this, over time the game has become more and more of a horror experience for players, especially when mobs begin to spawn at night. Getting hit by a rogue skeleton arrow, being surrounded by a horde of zombies that seemingly appeared out of nowhere, accidentally locking eyes with an Enderman, or hearing the infamous hissing of a nearby Creeper are all enough to put any player on edge. Fans of the game have been so struck by these scary mobs that some have created art of them, like a terrifying Minecraft Creeper sculpture.

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However, one of the newest mobs in the game has become one of the most infamous very quickly, as its terrifying appearance, sounds, and abilities make it an absolute menace for any cave explorers. Called the Warden, the Minecraft mob is a walking natural disaster: it is a large blue-green humanoid creature that limits eyesight and can track players by sound. It is also incredibly hard to kill, and even when a player manages to do so, it has the ability to quickly respawn and begin hunting the player again. Naturally, this recently led an animator to show the Warden hunting Steve through caves in a terrifying video.

Reddit user Flameburnt1234 was the animator responsible for capturing the Warden in terrifying detail. Immediately their interpretation of the creature stands out: its hands have no skin, showing skeletal fingers; its limbs are massive and look like they are made of either vines or sinew, giving a sense of strength as well as decay; and its face and stomach are both black holes, with the stomach showing exposed, sharp rib bones. Much like an artist's rendition of the Minecraft Warden, the creature depicted in the animation is absolute nightmare fuel.

The tragic thing about Flameburnt1234's interpretation of the Warden is that it feels like an interpretation of what the monster could be, rather than what it is. In-game, the Warden is certainly scary, but this is mostly due to its abilities. Its actual appearance is a little unnerving, but Minecraft's terrifying Enderman mob is arguably the scariest mob due to its spindly appearance and rage state. If the Warden's model was updated to make it larger or perhaps more detailed, it would give every mob a run for its money, but as of now the mob is a bulky, stocky humanoid.

Minecraft has always been limited by its blocky design space, but the Warden could still use a new, scarier model to better emulate its terrifying nature. Until then, the Warden will still continue to stalk caves and tunnels, waiting for unsuspecting players to enter its domain.

Minecraft is available now for Mobile, PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Minecraft: The Wild Update's Warden Could Lead to More 'Miniboss' Mobs