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Minecraft has been around for quite a while and has gained a pretty big community of players in its time. With that being said, the game has had many updates throughout the years, adding more and more content to the base game as well as new creatures players can invite to their base. Players can collect both farm animals and pets, such as cats.
There are many different variants of cats within Minecraft, including Black, British Shorthair, Calico, Jellie, Persian, Ragdoll, Red, Siamese, Tabby, Tuxedo, and White. However, some breeds of cats won't spawn just anywhere at any time, especially black cats, which are a bit rarer to find in Minecraft. This guide will break down how to get a black cat in the game.

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How To Find and Get A Black Cat in Minecraft
Black cats in Minecraft can be a bit rare compared to the normal strays that players can find in villages throughout the different biomes within the game. When it comes to this certain breed of cat, players will only be able to see one spawn in two different places and at two different times:
- Within a Witch Hut - Black cats will spawn in a Witch Hut, which can be found in Swamp Biomes. They are a bit rare but have a chance of spawning within the northwest corner of Swamp Biomes.
Witches are normally within the hut or close by, and they are aggressive mobs and will attack.
- During a Full Moon - Players have a chance of finding a black cat during a full moon within the game. This only happens at night and only has a 50% chance of spawning an adult black cat. This will only happen for newly spawned villages, as old ones won't spawn a black cat.
After players come in contact with a black cat, they will be able to tame it by feeding it raw fish — players can get raw cod or raw salmon by killing fish in the ocean or rivers, and these are the best ones for cats. The next hardest part is sneaking up on the cat to tame it. Players might have to chase the cat around a bit before getting a chance to feed it the fish, or if they are sneaky enough, players will be able to feed it by sneaking up behind it as well. Be sure not to make any sudden movements.
Players might need to feed cats multiple pieces of fish. Once a heart appears above the cat's head, that's when they know they have successfully tamed it. A red collar should also appear around the cat's neck upon being tamed. Now the cat will follow the player, and it can be led back to the base. To keep the cat safe, players will want to hit "Sit" on the cat after getting it back to their base.
Other ways to get black cats — or more of them — is by forcibly spawning them or by breeding black cats to get more. Players can use the command by typing: /summon cat ~ ~ ~ {variant:all_black}. This will spawn a black cat. If players want to breed a black cat, no matter how they got it, they will only be able to successfully breed more black cats by breeding two together in a Witch Hut. Cats can be bred by feeding two cats raw cod or salmon.
That is everything to know about getting a black cat in Minecraft.

- Top Critic Rating: 90/100 Critics Recommend: 84%
- Platform(s)
- 3DS, Android, iOS, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Wii U, PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PS Vita, Xbox One, Xbox 360
- Released
- November 18, 2011
- Developer(s)
- Mojang
- OpenCritic Rating
- Mighty
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