Minecraft gets frequent updates to improve gameplay, add new features, and change existing mobs and structures. Each major update is usually revealed at Minecraft Live, an online event where Mojang can share the progress it has made with the game and engage with the fans to ensure the best content is added. The heart of most Minecraft Live events is always the vote that will either add a new mob to the game or decide what biome gets an overhaul.

There have been three Minecraft mob votes over the years, and the winners have usually made a big impact in the game. The first mob vote happened in 2017 when Minecraft’s community voted in the phantom that pushed players to make sure they sleep regularly. 2020 saw the Glow Squid being voted into the game, and the most recent mob vote saw the Allay emerge victorious. While the winners are usually the only mobs that are remembered, some of the mobs that lost the vote could have also added a lot more in the game, begging the question of whether Minecraft will ever bring them back.

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Minecraft Live 2017 Mob Vote

Minecraft Phantom

Minecraft Live 2017 hosted the first mob vote available to players and gave them four choices: the Phantom, the Barnacle, the Great Hunger, and the Wildfire. Although the Phantom ended up victorious, the three other mobs could have added a lot of exciting content to the game. The Barnacle mob, for example, was a squid-like creature that could suck players down into the ocean, acting like a magma block underwater.

Arguably the most important mob vote loser from 2017 was The Great Hunger, which was a mob that could have introduced a way for players to not only remove certain enchantments from their items but also add ones to the items. It would be a great resource for players doing a lot of enchanting.

Minecraft Live 2020 Mob Vote

moobloom iceologer glowsquid

The 2020 Minecraft Live had three possible mobs for fans to vote for: the Glow Squids, the Iceologers, and the Mooblooms. While the Glow Squids did add a glow ink feature that can be applied to signs to allow the words to be more visible in the dark, they did not add much else, and many fans were ultimately disappointed since they were not able to play around with the other two mobs.

Either of the other two options could be great additions to Minecraft. The Iceologer would have been the perfect pairing for the Caves and Cliffs update, as it would have resided mainly in the mountain regions and would offer another challenging element for players while they traverse the mountains. The Moobloom, on the other hand, would have added more to farming since they were rumored to have some interactions with bees, another recent addition to Minecraft.

Minecraft Live 2021 Mob Vote

player mob vote allay victory october 2021

Finally, the results of the most recent mob vote introduced players to the Allay, the Glare, and the Copper Golem, all of which would have been great additions. While the Allay was the deserved winner thanks to its useful feature of being able to collect dropped items, the Glare and the Copper Golem would be interesting entries into Minecraft, too. The Glare could alert players to areas where mobs can spawn, which would be useful for players still getting used to the new light levels and mob spawning mechanics. The Copper Golem would have been an interesting companion mob since it would turn into a statue after it has fully oxidized, allowing players to create eerie areas filled with golem statues.

Any one of these losing mobs could alter the way the game is played and add some extra features that players can use while building, mining, farming, or fighting. Though it is highly unlikely that any of these mobs will be introduced into the game, at least their core features often make their way through. For example, in response to the loss of the Barnacle, Mojang added the lava block feature that sucks objects underwater, making it a mainstay for numerous mob farms. Regardless, with Minecraft’s consistent update cycle, it is not out of the question that the game could reintroduce these mobs further down the road.

Minecraft: Java Edition is available for PC. Minecraft: Bedrock Version is available for Mobile, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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