Minecraft has been around for quite some time and has had many different updates, ranging from quality of life to introducing various animals, weapons, and even biomes. Some legacy Minecraft players will remember a rare mob that is not ever actually in the game, and cannot be found in the wild without older versions of Minecraft. This hostile mob is called Killer Bunny, and it is quite interesting how the Killer Bunny works.

The Killer Bunny isn't available in the Bedrock version of Minecraft, but only in older versions of Java, and it has to be spawned by the player in the world. If it is spawned during creative mode, it won't be hostile towards the player, but in survival, it will be. This guide will go over everything you know about the Killer Bunny.

Minecraft: Where To Find Rabbits

There are many different animals and creatures in Minecraft. For those hoping to find rabbits, here are the best places to look.

What To Know About The Killer Bunny (And How To Spawn It)


The Killer Bunny is only available in the Java Edition of Minecraft, specifically version 1.8. It has 3 heart points and will attack the player if the player is within 16 blocks of it. This mob will hop very quickly towards the player, striking it once it gets close enough. Upon hitting the player, they will deal 5 damage on easy, 8 damage on normal difficulty, and 12 on hard, which is the max The Killer Bunny can do. It is important to note that these Killer Bunnies do not carry any weapons. To kill the Killer Bunny, you must use an iron sword or better. Upon Killing the Killer Bunny, you will receive its loot:

  • Raw Rabbit
  • Rabbit Hide
  • Rabbit Foot
  • Experience (1-3)

The Killer Bunny can only be spawned in by using the cheat code: /summon rabbit ~~~ {RabbitType:99}. Players will be able to tell it worked when they see "The Killer Bunny" written above the rabbit's head.

If the player spawns in this hostile mob, and they have a carrot or golden carrot, the Killer Bunny will not attempt to attack the player. While utilizing a name tag, renaming the Killer Bunny to “Toast,” will turn it passive and change the bunny to a rare black-and-white color. The Killer Bunny can also attack wolves or dogs within Minecraft as well, whether the player is around or not; this also includes creative mode. The Killer Bunny is a lot like other rabbits as it can breed with normal rabbits, which will spawn another Killer Bunny.

The Killer Bunny's History

The Killer Bunny ended up being removed from Minecraft because it looks like a normal rabbit from behind, which will lead players to think they are safe when they aren't. Many players complained that they were killed easily by these Killer Bunnies and were not given a fair chance to start their world to survive. The Killer Bunny's full name is Killer Bunny of Caerbannog, a reference to the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail.