Minecraft has many different crops that can be harvested within the game, and they progressively add more with time and updates. The game is already pretty big and has many fruits and vegetables within it that players can use for cooking or feeding livestock. One of the vegetables that players will want to begin growing is carrots.

Carrots are extremely useful within Minecraft and honestly support the player in more ways than just one. They allow the player to survive, gather animals to help provide food or supplies, and even just give recipes to work beyond what the player can imagine. Carrots can be found in so many different places that the player can easily begin their garden. This guide will explain all to know about carrots in Minecraft.

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Where To Find Carrots, Grow Them, and What They Are Used For


The first place that carrots can be found is in villages around the Minecraft world - many different villages, both in plains villages and desert villages specifically, can have carrots. Upon finding a village in Minecraft, players can look for small gardens within the area, and they will be able to pluck carrots out of the garden. This is the easiest way to get carrots as players will get 2-5 per crop that is harvested. In order to plant more carrots, players will need to replant some of the carrots they harvested, and it will restart the process.

The second way to gather carrots is a method that is more of a gamble versus having a definitive way of getting carrots. Killing zombies at night or in caves can give the player the ability to drop a carrot as well as rotten flesh, which is not always promised. However, if a player finds themselves in a biome or area without villages, this could be a good way to start a carrot farm.

The last way of collecting carrots is finding them in the world within chests. While this way is much harder, gathering carrots is still possible. The player should always try to search every chest they come across to be able to get good supplies for their base, and they could luck up at getting a large amount of carrots this way too.

As for what carrots can be used for, they can be used for many things that help the player advance in their survival journey through Minecraft. This ingredient is used for attracting pigs and rabbits. Once gathered, the player can use carrots to breed these animals together to expand their farm. To get pigs, players will need to put a carrot on the end of a fishing rod and guide it back to their base where they can be bred.

When it comes to cooking, mixing raw rabbit, a carrot, mushroom, baked potato and a bowl will make Rabbit Stew. Placing a few carrots within a composter has a 65% chance of raising the composter level by 1. While these are just a few things that carrots can do, it can still help the player in so many extreme ways to survive in their world.

How To Get Golden Carrots


With regular carrots covered, the next question is how does the player make a Golden Carrot? For the player to do this, they must place a carrot in the center of a crafting table and surround the carrot with golden nuggets. When taking the golden carrot, it provides a few different benefits to the player. Eating the golden carrot will restore 6 hunger points (14.4 saturation points) to the player. The Golden Carrot is also used to breed, heal, tame, and lead various animals. These animals are:

  • Donkeys
  • Horses
  • Mules
  • Rabbits

When it comes to brewing, mixing the golden carrot with an awkward potion can make the Potion of Night Vision. Which is a potion that can help the player see everything at night and see through the darkness as if it were daytime in the Minecraft world. Players should use this potion when lost at night in caves, within the wilderness, or even when searching for something that requires plenty of time and darkness, causing a barrier to the player. This is everything to know about carrots in Minecraft.

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