With a long history of player-made mods that give mobs a wide variety of cosmetic skins in Minecraft, Mojang has all the inspiration needed to pick up where it left off with its pig changes. In its latest snapshot, Mojang has revealed two new versions of its classic pig mob, a warm and a cold pig, that will be coming to Minecraft as part of a future content drop. However, while these new skins have helped refresh one of Minecraft's oldest mobs, it isn't the only creature that Mojang should revisit and introduce new variants of.

Before now, Minecraft's modding community has long since envisioned ways to improve the game's overall design and appearance, which includes enhancing and expanding the game's mobs, either by adding all-new ones or redesigning existing mobs with fresh variants in the same way Mojang has done recently. With this in mind, Mojang shouldn't stall on Minecraft's latest updates by stopping with just pigs; it should take notes from fan-made mods and revisit its other classic mobs to introduce even more new variants in future updates.

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Mojang's Pig Updates Should Only Be The Beginning

As seen with some of its more recent mobs, Mojang has been conscientious of adding variety to each mob's design, whether these variations are purely superficial, like different colored axolotls, or linked to specific biomes, like the three frog versions. Following Minecraft's biome-specific amphibians and frogs, Mojang now appears to be doubling back to older mobs and bringing them in line with the more recent ones, beginning with the same biome-specific approach to its new pig variants. The warm and cold pig variant for the savannah and snowy taiga biomes are exciting, even if these changes appear to be only cosmetic for the time being.

Mojang Shouldn't Stop With Just Pigs When It Comes to New Variants

With Mojang slowly but surely expanding the number of variants each mob has, it shouldn't overlook Minecraft's range of other classic mobs that are just as old as pigs and are equally overdue new designs, like:

  • Cows
  • Chickens
  • Creepers
  • Sheep
  • Turtles

Mojang could even look to Minecraft's existing fan-made mods and player feedback for new mob variants should it need inspiration or direction, as pigs are just the tip of the iceberg for variety among mobs.

For instance, the "More Mob Variants" mod is a good example of how Mojang could improve and expand on Minecraft's classic mobs in both realistic and fantastical ways, such as introducing Highland-like wooly cows or cockerel-inspired bronzed chickens. Adding even just a handful of different variations for each mob in Minecraft could go a long way to adding depth to the game, something which Minecraft's recent realistic content drops appear to be focusing on. So, rather than move on to something else after its new pig variants, Mojang should capitalize on this momentum and add some visual variety to other old school mobs.