Table of contents


  • "My Happy Marriage" blends romance with societal challenges in a historical setting.
  • Season 2 will delve into Miyo's unique abilities and her relationship with Kyoka's parents.
  • Netflix streams the show simultaneously with Japanese broadcast, showing investment in the series.

My Happy Marriage is one of the biggest shoujo hits in recent years. Few series are able to get such widespread fame, and it might be even harder for those who don't try to blend shoujo with battle action like Sailor Moon does. But sometimes a simple Cinderella-like premise is enough to win hearts.

That's not the only thing My Happy Marriage is about, but seeing how Miyo and Kyoka's relationship develops as he discovers how her family has been treating her. This anime has become such a hit last year that it's surely one of the most awaited anime romances for 2025.