Following the success of the Fear Street trilogy on Netflix, there was already a fourth film based on the RL Stine book series was on the way and was hitting the streaming series in 2025. The series, which centered on a town that was negatively affected by a witch's curse that lead to murders over a series of decades was a massive hit for the streamer to the point where Fear Street: Prom Queen was greenlit.

The original Fear Street movies told three different stories where a group of teens ran afoul of a woman named Sarah Fier who, as it turns out, wasn't the monster she was made out to be. The first movie was set in the 1990s, the second was set in 1978 and the third showed the origin of everything that happened to Shadyside in the 17th century. For a while it seemed as though the next installment was going to be a single standalone film set in 1988, though it's possible there will actually be four Fear Streets coming soon, or two more to build off Prom Queen.

The Touching Love Story Woven Through The Fear Street Trilogy

The Fear Street Trilogy doesn't shy away from gory moments and a lot of fun, but the overarching story is really a love story.

RL Stine Hopes Three More Fear Street Films Will Be Greenlit

During an interview with The Hollywood Reporter to discuss the upcoming release of Goosebumps: The Vanishing, the second season of the Disney+ show based on his other iconic horror book franchise, Stine was asked about the Fear Street movie series. The author teased that he has been working on three more Fear Street installments, saying that "the writers are working" on the next trilogy, and that he's got his fingers crossed for them to be greenlit at Netflix.

With Stine's comments that these other three Fear Street movies have not been greenlit, it would seem that Prom Queen will stand on its own and could in fact, even be a way to lead into the next trilogy. These recent comments are especially interesting because the original trilogy was released one week after another, allowing for cliffhangers, but not making viewers wait all that long to see how the horror series wrapped up.


Leigh Janiak


Kiana Madeira Olivia Scott Welch Benjamin Flores Jr.

Release Date


That there are three new Fear Street movies being worked on indicates that Stine is looking to go back to the same format where one of the films is set in "modern day" while the second will go a bit back in time and the third will go even further. Of course, it's possible that adding onto Prom Queen could change that approach. It's also unclear whether this new trilogy would be tied into Sarah Fier's legacy or something else entirely.

As Prom Queen explicitly takes place in Shadyside, one thing is clear in the Fear Street movie that has been greenlit and is set to air in 2025 will feature a town that has one bad thing happen to it after another. That's why it's important that this new movie is set before the original trilogy's first installment, as Shadyside's curse was lifted at the end of that series.

Fear Street: Prom Queen
Matt Palmer
Donald McLeary
Jane Stine, Jenno Topping, Joan Waricha, Yvonne Bernard, Peter Chernin


  • Cast Placeholder Image
    India Fowler
  • Cast Placeholder Image
    Suzanna Son
  • Cast Placeholder Image
    Fina Strazza
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    David Iacono
Fear Street Should Have Been A TV Show, Not A Trilogy

While horror fans love Netflix's Fear Street trilogy, would it have worked better as a TV series?