Between announcing a sequel to Okami and confirming that Capcom is revisiting some of its otherwise forgotten IPs, it seems there might finally be a chance that the Viewtiful Joe series will receive its long-awaited third game. Following some of the more surprising reveals from 2024's The Game Awards, like Onimusha: Way of the Sword and an Okami sequel, Capcom has stated that it is interested in reactivating what it believes are dormant IPs while continuing to work on brand-new games. This suggests that more popular Capcom properties might be revived, like Dino Crisis and Viewtiful Joe.
There might be particularly good odds for Viewtiful Joe in particular as well, with the series' creator Hideki Kamiya also being the director of the original Okami and its upcoming sequel. Given that Kamiya is once again working with Capcom on an unexpected Okami sequel, it suggests there is just as much potential for the two to continue working together on a potential Viewtiful Joe 3. In fact, due to the series being cut short after the ending of Viewtiful Joe 2 heavily implied that a third entry would soon follow, Capcom should strike while the iron is hot after its Okami sequel.

If Capcom's Classic Revival Plans Pan Out, One Franchise Should Be Next
Since Capcom is interested in reviving its dormant IPs, it should consider bringing back a fan-favorite franchise from the 90s.
Okami 2 Has Perfect Timing for Capcom and Hideki Kamiya
Despite its big announcement during The Game Awards, a follow-up to the original Okami seemed like a lost cause. While Kamiya remained hopeful about making an Okami sequel someday, Capcom didn't appear to share this sentiment. Due to the original Okami not being a commercial success and its spiritual successor, Okamiden, developed by a different studio, it's possible that Capcom didn't see a viable future for what appeared to be a niche series of games.
However, thanks to the release of the Okami HD remaster on more modern gaming platforms such as PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC, the game is now regarded as a cult classic. Additionally, though Kamiya had left Capcom to help found PlatinumGames to direct games like the Bayonetta series and The Wonderful 101, his departure from the studio in 2023 gave him the freedom to return to Capcom. In combination with Capcom's renewed interest in its older or abandoned IPs, it seemed like the timing was just right for Okami to receive a sequel.
Hideki Kamiya's Okami Sequel Offers Hope for Viewtiful Joe

While Kamiya is finally directing Okami 2 after waiting so long for the opportunity to do so, it isn't the only game he expressed a desire to return to. Another game developed by Clover Studios during its time under Capcom and also led by Kamiya was Viewtiful Joe. Unlike Okami, the first game was successful enough to receive a direct sequel, two spin-offs, and several cameo appearances in other Capcom games. However, despite Kamiya remaining interested in the series and a few close calls from Capcom about a third game, Viewtiful Joe 3 has never been officially confirmed to be in development.
Capcom Should At Least Complete the Viewtiful Joe Trilogy

Beyond already proving itself successful and fans considering Kamiya's The Wonderful 101 as its spiritual successor, many would surely love to see Capcom revive Viewtiful Joe, if only to let Kamiya direct its third and potentially final game. While Viewtiful Joe 2's story had implied that a third direct sequel would follow, there has been no sign of Viewtiful Joe 3, which appears to have left the series unfinished despite spin-offs like Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble and Double Trouble! With Viewtiful Joe among Capcom's classic IPs and Kamiya back on board with the developer, an Okami 2 shouldn't be the only sequel the two finally work on.

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