One of the more memorable moments of E3 2019 was when Tango Gameworks' Ikumi Nakamura presented?Ghostwire: Tokyo. Nakamura's bubbly personality made her an instant Internet sensation, and so it came as a bit of a surprise when she left Tango Gameworks a few months later. For those wondering what may be next for the talented developer, it seems as though she is interested in working on a sequel to?Capcom's critically-acclaimed?Okami.

Nakamura, who worked on the original Okami,?revealed as much in an interview with IGN Japan. According to Nakamura, she has an idea for?Okami 2 that she plans on pitching to Capcom after the coronavirus pandemic has subsided a bit. Nakamura is confident that?Okami 2 could materialize, but she believes that it will only work if the original team is involved. This would mean that Hideki Kamiya would have to direct the game, which could be a bit of a roadblock since he is currently working on projects at Platinum Games.

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Perhaps Capcom and Platinum could collaborate on Okami 2. After all, Platinum Games has numerous developers from Clover Studio, the company that created the original?Okami. Kamiya has also been seen visiting the Capcom offices on some occasions, so maybe a collaboration between the two companies isn't all that outlandish.

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For what it's worth, Kamiya has hinted at?a potential?Okami 2 in the past. In fact, there is a famous clip on Twitter of both Kamiya and Nakamura standing together at Platinum Games, with Kamiya making the bold claim that "Okami is going to be back." Many wrote this clip off as a joke, but maybe it was a genuine tease that the two would be working together on an?Okami video game sequel at some point down the line.

Capcom has more or less left the?Okami franchise alone since the launch of the original game, with the exception of the Nintendo DS sequel?Okamiden. Capcom also re-released the original game with enhanced visuals in the form of?Okami HD, which is available on most modern platforms.

However, a true sequel to?Okami has yet to materialize, despite the critical acclaim enjoyed by the original game. Here's hoping Ikumi Nakamura is successful in her effort to revive the?Okami franchise.

Okami 2 is not in active development.

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Source: IGN Japan?(via US Gamer)