This article contains slight spoilers from One Piece's Egghead Arc.


  • Joy Boy, a mysterious figure in One Piece, may be the first ever pirate and the original user of the Nika Fruit.
  • A fan theory suggests Joy Boy could be a toy created by giants, imbued with the Nika Fruit powers.
  • Joy Boy being a toy fits the themes of One Piece, exploring the concept of what it means to truly be alive.

Being such a massive show full of many mysteries, One Piece theories constantly circulate in the community. Though these speculations are often far from accurate, it’s always fun to try and come up with theories that fit well into the story. Even theories with limited evidence are great to discuss since they introduce ideas that many members of the One Piece community may not be thinking about.

One such theory involves one of One Piece’s most mysterious characters, Joy Boy. This ghostly figure, despite being incredibly important to the story as a whole, has had next to no information revealed outside of his existence. Due to this, many theories about Joy Boy in One Piece have been created by the community, including one that suggests that Joy Boy may not be a human being as many fans have anticipated.

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Joy Boy Is The First Ever Pirate In One Piece

An Ancient Figure Who Originally Utilized The Nika Fruit

Joy Boy was born around 900 years before the initial events of One Piece, during the series’ mysterious Void Century. Being the original user of the Human-Human Fruit: Model Sun God Nika, Joy Boy was a major force during the time of the Void Century and what many would consider to be the first-ever pirate. Additionally, Joy Boy would also leave behind a treasure on the island that Roger would name Laugh Tale, which would eventually come to be known as the One Piece.

Joy Boy!! He has returned!! - Zunesha

Outside of the few messages left on Poneglyphs that Joy Boy has left behind, little is known about the figure itself. Even Joy Boy’s appearance has largely been kept hidden with only an iconic One Piece silhouette of the character existing. However, a recent theory from a fan has concluded that behind Joy Boy’s silhouette may not be a human being, but instead a toy.

A Redditor Suggests Joy Boy May Be A Toy

With Strange Proportions Joy Boy Looks Inhuman

NJoy Boy And Emet
  • Joy Boy's Body May Have The Proportions Of A Toy
  • The Toy May Have Been Created By Giants And Given the Nika Fruit

In a post by 00-000-001-0-01 on Reddit, the One Piece fan explains how Joy Boy may be a toy. Firstly, the fan shares how Joy Boy’s main silhouette looks extremely strange, with weirdly thin legs and odd-shaped hands. Although the Reddit user originally thought these were peg legs, on second thought they believed that the legs may be thin due to them being wooden. Additionally, the hands of One Piece's Joy Boy are more akin to claws and are reminiscent of the toys that were on Dressrosa.

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In this theory, the Reddit user goes on to explain that One Piece’s Joy Boy may actually be a toy created by the giants. After this, the toy was imbued with the powers of the Human-Human Fruit: Model Nika, causing it to come to life. Then, being a toy, Joy Boy set out to spread joy to as many people as possible, earning the title of Joy Boy. Eventually, this would lead to his role in the Great War and his defeat at the hands of what would eventually become the current World Government.

Joy Boy Being A Toy Fits The Themes Of One Piece

A Living Toy Is Something That Makes Sense For Oda To Write

nika biggest heroes in one piece

Finally, the theorist explains that this is in line with many of the themes that Oda has currently been exploring. Mainly the poster explains that Oda has currently been exploring the concept of what it means to truly be alive, especially with Vegapunk and his Satellites. Due to this, the Reddit user potentially believes Joy Boy could be a reference to Pinocchio, a puppet who eventually became a real boy, and set out to spread joy to others. Although there isn’t a huge amount of evidence for this specific conclusion, it’s not entirely out of the realm of possibility for someone like Oda.

This is quite a treasure you left behind! A tale full of laughs! - Roger upon seeing Joy Boy's treasure

In the end, while Joy Boy is a mysterious figure in One Piece, this theory would make sense in the current state of the story. Overall, it would make an interesting twist if Joy Boy was a toy, and would fit in well with the established themes of the One Piece world. Although it’s more likely the case that Joy Boy was a regular person with the powers of the Nika Fruit, this could be an interesting, if not a little goofy, alternative.