Open-world games feature a bunch of gameplay loops to keep players entertained till the very end. An easy way to achieve this is by incorporating some form of ranged combat that compels players to find the best weaponry and take out enemies from a distance.

8 Open-World Games That Master The Art Of Slow Exploration

There have been some truly breathtaking open-world games over the years, and these titles have created an art of slow explorations.


Players who want to use everything from guns to bows to take out their enemies from behind cover will love the many open-world games that excel in this regard. Landing headshots, silently killing players, and using run-and-gun tactics are all viable for the most part in these titles.

8 Fallout 4

Boasts The Best Gunplay In The Fallout Series

Top Critic Rating: 87/100 Critics Recommend: 89%
November 10, 2015
OpenCritic Rating

Fallout 4 may have its detractors, but no one can deny that the gunplay is a huge improvement over its predecessor. While the changes made to combat may seem basic, these modern touches ensure that gunfights in Fallout 4 are as dynamic as they come.

Players can use a variety of creative weaponry to take out their foes in this post-apocalyptic world. Sprinting around to turn enemies into mincemeat with a few well-placed shots in V.A.T.S. never gets old and is a huge part of what makes Fallout 4's gameplay the very best in the series.

7 Watch Dogs 2

Excellent Combat That Makes The Most Of Hacking Abilities To Help Gunfights Feel Dynamic

Top Critic Rating: 82/100 Critics Recommend: 82%
PS4, Xbox One, PC, Stadia
November 15, 2016
Ubisoft Montreal
OpenCritic Rating

The first Watch Dogs title disappointed many players with its overly mature story and a lack of meaningful hacking options. These were addressed in the sequel, making for a narrative that was pretty light-hearted along with a combat system that made ranged combat more engaging than ever.

Players could either use the non-violent approach or use powerful guns to riddle their enemies with bullets. Tactical hacks could also be used to impede enemies and make them easy pickings for Marcus, which never got old.

6 Grand Theft Auto 5

Special Abilities And A Wide Variety Of Weaponry Help Combat Feel Great

Top Critic Rating: 92/100 Critics Recommend: 92%
September 17, 2013
Rockstar North
OpenCritic Rating

Grand Theft Auto 5 is one of the greatest video games ever made, allowing players to enjoy a technical masterpiece that has aged like a fine wine. Controlling three different protagonists and using their skills both in and out of battle never ceases to be engaging.

7 Best Open-World Games Where You Can Create Your Own Path

Open-world games are known for giving players lots of choices. Here are some titles in this genre that allow players to create their own path.


The gunplay in GTA 5 is crunchy and satisfying, letting players use a wide variety of weaponry to take down their foes. Despite being more than a decade old at this point, most AAA open-world games still lag behind Grand Theft Auto 5 when it comes to its superb ranged combat.

5 Red Dead Redemption 2

Slow-Mo Killcams And Dead Eye Go A Long Way In Making Combat A Blast Every Time

Top Critic Rating: 96/100 Critics Recommend: 94%
PS4, Xbox One, PC, Stadia
October 26, 2018
Rockstar Games
OpenCritic Rating

Not only is Red Dead Redemption 2 one of the most beautiful open-world games ever made, but its realistic and gritty vibes are accompanied by a satisfying combat system. Using Dead Eye to mark targets and take them out in a flash is just a small part of what makes Red Dead Redemption 2's combat feel great.

Bullets whiz past Arthur and can make him drop his hat, enemies crumple in a realistic manner when hit with an accurate shot, and kill cams ensure that long-range kills are satisfying to execute as the game zooms in on the fatal hit. This gunplay is a huge part of what makes Red Dead Redemption 2 memorable and helps it stand out as Rockstar's greatest game in the eyes of many.

4 Cyberpunk 2077

Both Melee And Ranged Combat Are Fun To Engage With As Players Kick Up A Storm As V

Top Critic Rating: 76/100 Critics Recommend: 65%
December 10, 2020
CD Projekt Red
OpenCritic Rating

Cyberpunk 2077 has been through the wringer, and rightfully so. Thankfully, most players agree that this game has turned its image around, with its first-person shooting gameplay feeling more engaging than ever before.

With meaningful perks, a suite of iconic weapons that don't lose their relevancy, and numerous abilities to keep ranged combat fresh, it's easy to see why fans can't get enough of this amazing game. V can become a dealer of death in no time if fans kit out their character with high-level equipment while ensuring that they're leveling up at a steady pace.

3 Far Cry 5

The Gunplay In This Title Is Off The Charts

Top Critic Rating: 82/100 Critics Recommend: 80%
PC, PlayStation 4, Stadia, Xbox One
March 27, 2018
Ubisoft Montreal, Ubisoft Toronto
OpenCritic Rating

Far Cry 5 was a step in the right direction for the series, and it's a shame that later games haven't been as successful. Hope County is a beautiful region where players tackle brainwashed cultists in a Far Cry game with some meaningful changes that aid both exploration and combat.

8 Open-World Games With Highly Interactive Environments

Open world games are known for having tons of things to offer players. Here are some titles in this genre with highly interactive environments.


Without the need to climb towers, players can explore the world at their own pace to find a bunch of things to accomplish. Clearing outposts in stealth or with a direct assault is always a blast, with players using an array of diverse weaponry to take out the deranged foes standing in their way as they slowly work their way through the Seed family.

2 Horizon Forbidden West

Using Special Arrows To Take Out Robotic Creatures Feels Quite Satisfying

Top Critic Rating: 88/100 Critics Recommend: 96%
February 18, 2022
Guerrilla Games
OpenCritic Rating

The idea of exploring a world full of robotic dinosaurs made it clear why players were intrigued by the Horizon series from the get-go. The sequel may not have been the innovative entry that fans were looking for, but it features enough meaningful improvements to ensure that players can have a great time taking out robotic creatures and exploring a beautiful world.

The combat is as cathartic and satisfying as ever, with players using their regular and special arrows to target the weaknesses of each machine. Melee should be used sparingly since the bulk of Aloy's offense comes from her superior bowmanship.

1 Halo Infinite

The Classic Halo Gameplay Feels Great In An Open World

Top Critic Rating: 87/100 Critics Recommend: 94%
December 8, 2021
343 Industries
OpenCritic Rating

Halo Infinite's development was a rollercoaster ride that angered and appeased fans at the same time. After its release, most fans agree that the single-player campaign is a blast to play through, even if the multiplayer side of things has stumbled quite a bit.

Controlling the Master Chief in an open-world game is pretty satisfying as players use a diverse array of weaponry to take out their foes. A grappling hook is also added to the mix that enhances combat and traversal extensively, making the game's campaign a major highlight that pleased long-time Halo fans.

The Best Samurai Themed Open-World Games

Plenty of video games let you play the role of a Samurai, but not many let you freely explore as one. These are the best open-world Samurai games.