An Overwatch 2 player who spends the bulk of their time playing support characters got some odd recommendations from the game's shop. The shop offers a wide variety of entertaining cosmetics, both individually and in bundles, but this latest quirk is only the most recent in a long list of grievances Overwatch 2 players have with it.

The month following Overwatch 2's release has been rough for the game, as well as its fans. Server issues, long queues, and a plethora of bugs have consistently irked many players. Frequently regarded as one of developer Blizzard's most egregious missteps, however, is in how they have chosen to handle the game's monetization. The shop is selling cosmetics for what many fans consider exorbitant prices, and errors like a Brigitte skin selling for more than its bundle are only exacerbating the issue, as well as fans' ire.

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Yet one player has a very different grievance with the Overwatch 2 shop. Reddit user WidgeonN shared an image of their in-game store, in the section titled "Just for you." As one might expect, this section is designed to use player data and suggest cosmetics that line up with their gameplay and hero choices. This player, who describes themselves as a support main, found that this section contained several options, but not a single thing that lined up with their support tendencies. Instead, they were presented with several options for characters of the game's two other roles.

The "Defenders of the Castle" bundle was offered to the player, featuring the Dragon skin for Symmetra, Gargoyle skin for Winston, and Coffin skin for Bastion. As well, three separate items were on display for the recently reworked tank hero Doomfist. A Halloween skin called Swamp Monster for the character is seen, as well as the Karate skin and, separately, the Karate bundle. Interestingly, several other users commented that they'd experienced similar issues with the "Just For You" section, and specifically with those same Doomfist skins. Commenters speculated that Blizzard was trying to push the sale of these Doomfist skins, but there's been no confirmation whether the issue is simply a bug or not.

As do seemingly all conversations regarding the game's shop lately, the discussion on this post ultimately devolved into criticizing the extreme prices. Fan frustration over the issue has been prevalent through much of the discourse surrounding the game, with some players going so far as to allege that Overwatch 2 's shop prices are illegal in some countries. The general internet consensus surrounding the game isn't very positive, and Blizzard's monetization and decision to go free-to-play have been a huge part of that.

Though the issue presented by this Reddit user is admittedly a small one, any annoyance encountered with Overwatch 2's shop inevitably becomes a lightning rod for more negative discussions about its pricing. And it will likely continue this way until Blizzard does something to change it. Or until players get fed up and simply leave.

Overwatch 2 is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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