Despite Blizzard's Overwatch being five-years old in 2021, the first-person shooter title continues to inspire the creation of content from its artistic community. This is seen in how fans still make concept art of their favorite Overwatch heroes, while others show off their admiration by literally dressing up as some of the game's characters. Recently, another Overwatch fan drew the popular tank hero D.Va, using techniques that gave the character a soft, and more casual countenance.

Though most of the base game's characters were confirmed to be part of the upcoming sequel Overwatch 2, not much information has been shared about Korean pro-gamer D.Va. Recent news from the development team talk about updated skins and reworks for heroes like Sombra and Bastion. Reports are also saying that damage-dealer Mei will experience changes in Overwatch 2 as well. Given that D.Va is one of the most known characters of Overwatch, fans are likely surprised and curious about why the development team has not announced anything about her.

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Nevertheless, the love for D.Va's character remains strong in the Overwatch community. Redditor KazyHnin showcased this with their beautiful artwork of the hero. The artist shared a drawing of D.Va that they created using Adobe Photoshop. Instead of donning her well-known mecha skinsuit, D.Va wears a simple blue tank top, giving her a more casual look. However, she retains her iconic gaming headset that fans love to cosplay with her character with, and her noticeable pink cheek marks. Fans would undoubtedly recognize the Overwatch hero by these character staples in her concept art and base look.

Many comments on the thread praised the artwork for how detailed the fan art was. Some even suggested to the artist that they share the artwork in other subReddit threads. The Redditor also confirmed that they used several texture brushes to achieve the unique look that they gave D.Va. On Instagram, fans will likely notice that this is not KazyHnin's first artwork of a video game or anime character. They have also drawn beautifully-detailed portraits of Kaine from Nier Replicant, Princess Zelda from Breath of the Wild, and even Tsukino Usagi from Sailor Moon.

As the developers slowly start to divulge more details about Overwatch 2, it is likely that unique artwork such as KazyHnin's will be shared within the Overwatch community. Hopefully many of them will also draw inspiration from the game's sequel, as many of the original heroes will return with new looks and features.

Overwatch is available now on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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