Path of Exile 2 has multiple Acts for you to complete, each with its own map filled with icons to discover. Your map will be central for fast traveling across multiple areas at once, though the icons found on the map can help greatly when searching for optional content.

Each area you visit will usually be tied with a main quest, but there will still be lots of optional content that is worth completing. Here's what every map icon means and how to visit the various icons found on the map.

Path Of Exile 2: 7 Biggest Improvements Over The First Game

Path of Exile 2 has introduced a slew of much-needed improvements over its celebrated predecessor.

All Map Icons In Path of Exile 2

Map Icon



The Current Locaiton Icon

Current Location

Appears over the area the player is currently in.

The Town Icon


The location of a hub town in the Act.

The Unknown Location Icon

Unknown Area

An area you have not visited at all.

The Visited Location Icon

Visited Area

An area visited without a waypoint.

Area With Inactive Waypoint Icon

Area With Inactive Waypoint

An area visited but the waypoint has not been discovered.

Area With Active Waypoint Icon

Area With Active Waypoint

An area with an active waypoint that will be the destination of your fast travel.

The Quest Location Icon

Quest Location

The location of a main or side quest.

The Travel Destination Icon

Travel Destination

A location you can travel to from the map.

Rare Monster Encounter Icon

Rare Monster Encounter

A powerful yellow-named enemy is found in that area.

Rare Monster With Djinn Barya

Rare Monster Encounter With Djinn Barya

A powerful yellow-named enemy is found in that area that will drop ascendancy items.