The Persona series is filled with many interesting and iconic character designs with Persona 5 being no exception. With the Phantom Thieves having their very unique outfits while inside the metaverse, they are absolutely perfect for many different cosplayers.
Since the release of Persona 5, the cosplay community has taken to bringing many different characters from it to life. With the release of Persona 5 Royal, Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight, and the upcoming western release of Persona 5 Strikers, the amount of cosplayers have only increased.?Among the all the different cosplayers are many who have put the time, effort, and skill into becoming the characters of their choosing. The following are some of the most impressive ones who have posted the results of their work for all to see.
Yusuke Kitagawa - _Wubear
Put together and worn by _wubear on Instagram is this gorgeous cosplay of Yusuke Kitagawa in his Phantom Thief outfit. To add to this gorgeous shot, _wubear additionally put in the photo editing skills to?compliment their look among blue flames. This isn't _wubear's first time donning one of the Phantom Thieves' appearence with them also having previously cosplayed Futaba Sakura in the past. Their Yusuke cosplay has also been shown before, but this recent picture truly brings their look to life.
Shadow Sae Niijima - Twifairycosplay
Not even the shadow-selves of the Persona 5 cast are excluded by the cosplay community with Twifairycosplay showing off her Shadow Sae cosplay on Instagram. This photo was taken at Anime Central 2019 in Rosemont, Illinois back before the COVID-19 had hit the world. One of the most impressive parts of this cosplay by Twifairycosplay is in how she made Shadow Sae's dress herself as noted in her Instagram post. Costume creation is no simple feat, but she has made a gorgeous dress and iconic look for all to see.
Ann Takamaki - Sennon_cosplay
Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight gave the Persona 5 cast brand new outfits for them to show off their dancing skills in. Of course, cosplayers embraced these fun new looks including Sennon_cosplay who can be seen using Ann Takamaki's Dancing in Starlight design for this photo.
Ann's design in Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight has a lot of energy to it that can still be seen while Sennon_cosplay poses on the ground. The photo is also very well composed with its red background commonly seen within Persona 5 itself along the scattered Phantom Thief calling cards; overall, it's a great look with a great photo.
Kasumi Yoshizawa - Chirithy.cos
There were many new additions that came with the release of Persona 5: Royal. One of these was the new party member, Kasumi Yoshizawa, who can be seen in cosplay form by Chirithy.cos on Instagram. The costume itself was made by the cosplay costume company Miccostumes while the look itself was put together and worn by Chirithy.cos.
Something that really pops out in this look and many of this cosplayer's other photos are her eyes. Chirithy.cos's eye makeup is nothing but gorgeous with the perfect blend of eye shadow and bold eye liner. It really helps tie the entire cosplay together, while not upstaging the rest of the costume.
The Phantom Thieves -?Megane Sakana
This cosplay music video set to the original Persona 5 opening shows off eight different cosplayers in full motion. While Morgana isn't present as a cosplayer the rest of the Phantom Thieves are with Joker, Ryuji, Ann, Yusuke, Makoto, Futaba, Haru, and Goro all being represented.
The video isn't a shot for shot remake of the opening, but many different parts of?it?are represented in one way or another. To make up for there being no person cosplaying Morgana, a Morgana plushie toy is present among the cosplayers instead. One of the best things about this video is the lighting. Despite being filmed outside, there is a very good color palette of both reds, blues, and purples that give the video a unique feel. It also gives it a more cinematic atmosphere overall.
Sophia - Manjiu_
Although Persona 5 Strikers hasn't been released in the west yet, other locations have had to opportunity to experience the game's full story for quite some time now. Some of these players have already begun cosplaying the brand new characters introduced in this title, such as Manjiu_ on Instagram who has created this Sophia cosplay.
This Taiwan-based cosplayer has posted multiple gorgeous photos of her Sophia cosplay with a full background set for them. One of the best parts of her costume is her wig, which has managed to implement the floating hearts meant to represent pigtails. They defy gravity and aren't real hair in-game, so this wig has translated that aspect very well.
Akira Kurusu and Goro Akechi - Wuxian.alchemist and Rokshata_desert
Bringing the rivals of both Persona 5 and Persona 5: Royal to life are Wuxian.alchemist and Rokshata_desert. This photo shows both Goro and Akira's heated tensions from the game while also?exhibiting a different kind of tension that some players also believe to be there between the two.
A truly gorgeous part of this photo is the visibility of all the details on Rokshata_desert's Goro Akechi costume. Fitting with Goro's mask of a 'detective prince', this costume is filled with many fancy and intricate details that truly help enhance the cosplay. It also helps show the contrast between Akira and Goro with Akira's outfit being more sleek in nature.
Arsene, Carmen, and Milady - Marquisecubey, Madamerinrin, and Lanadelcosplay
This impressive feat in costume making by?Marquisecubey, Madamerinrin, and Lanadelcosplay has brought three Personas into the real world. In this case Arsene, Carmen, and Milady are all represented in costume form, keeping their inhuman details in the transition.
One of the most impressive parts in this group's look is in how Lanadelcosplay managed to keep Milady's headless appearance in the costume. The illusion is made with a pure white mask, but it still?is very impressive. The other cosplayers also very much succeeded in the complex creations that are making a literal Persona cosplay.
Makoto Niijima - Elycoris_
Finally, there is Elycoris_ and her gorgeous cosplay photo with her as Makoto Niijima. While posed, the photo comes off at being a candid shot of Makoto just reading in a library.
Something that really stands out is how well styled Elycoris's wig is. With Makoto having her hair in a bob cut, its easy for some wigs to fall flat or get into a square shape. This wig however has the ends stand up in the same places at Makoto's in-game hair, bringing the look truly to life.
Persona 5?and?Persona 5 Royal?are available now for PlayStation 4.