Since Alola, Rotom seems to have found a comfortable habitat within the player's Pokedex for the past two Pokemon generations. It would accompany trainers on their journey and could even talk to them in Sun/Moon and Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon. Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl brings players back to the Sinnoh region, which is where Rotom was first discovered.

Those looking for an Electric or Ghost-type to add to their party can capture Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl's Rotom. However, those that aren't satisfied with the Electric/Ghost dual-typing of Rotom can get it to change forms by having it possess an appliance. This will keep Rotom's Electric-typing but trade the Ghost-typing to match whatever Rotom is possessing.

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Finding Rotom

pokemon brilliant diamond shining pearl eterna forest

Rotom can be found in the Old Chateau in Eterna Forest after the trainer has beaten the Elite Four and received the National Dex. They should then go to Eterna Forest and enter from Eterna City's side. Standing in front of a gate with trees that can be Cut is Eterna City's gym leader, Gardenia. Speak to her and she'll talk about the Old Chateau and deny she's scared. Use Cut on one of the trees and enter the Old Chateau.

There are a few items that can be grabbed here, so be sure to check rooms on the way out. For now, head up the stairs and enter the northern doorway.

On the second floor, there is a room to the left with a TV. Inspect the TV between 8pm and 4am since Rotom won't appear during the day. If the player has met all these requirements, Rotom should pop out of the TV. It will be level 15, so use lower-leveled Pokemon to weaken it in battle, or use a Quick Ball or Ultra Ball. Dusk Balls may work too since it will be night when battling Rotom.

Once Rotom is captured, search the room for the Secret Key. This is a Key Item that can be used to unlock the room with Rotom's appliances.

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How to Change Rotom's Form

pokemon brilliant diamond shining pearl rotom forms

Since Pokemon Platinum, Rotom was able to change forms if the players received the Secret Key from an event giveaway at certain retailers. With Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, the Secret Key has been moved in-game instead.

To use it, start by entering the Galactic Hideout in Eterna City. Then, inspect the wall to the left of the bookshelf in the upper left corner of the room to use the Secret Key. This will grant access to the Secret Room which has a microwave, fan, refrigerator, washing machine, and a lawnmower.

Go inspect them to get the Catalogue Key Item. This will allow Rotom to chance forms whenever the player wants by accessing the Catalogue from their bag.

Each appliance correlates with a different Type, which will replace Rotom's "Ghost"-typing.

Form Name



Heat Rotom



Wash Rotom

Washing machine


Mow Rotom



Frost Rotom



Fan Rotom



Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are available now on Nintendo Switch.

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