Every trainer knows that they've?gotta catch?'em all!?Who doesn't want to complete their?Pokédex if they have enough time? To do that, players will need to catch and evolve a loveable?Pokemon that's always trying to keep its pants pulled up?— Scraggy!

RELATED:?Pokemon Sword & Shield: How to Find and Evolve Phantump

Scraggy is a Dark/Fighting Type?Pokemon that was introduced back in Generation V. Those pants are actually Scraggy's loose skin, just like a lizard or snake that needs to molt. It's said when its skin is stretched enough, it evolves into a Scrafty. Well, in the anime anyway. In the games, it works a bit differently.

3 Where To Find Scraggy

Where To Find Scraggy

For players that have?Pokemon Shield, unfortunately, Scraggy is a?Pokemon Sword exclusive. If players want a Scraggy to train they'll have to find a friend to help them out or hope that Wondertrade treats them kindly. For players with?Pokemon Sword, Scraggy can be found in the following areas:

  • Bridge Field
  • Bridge Field
  • Dusty Bowl
  • Galar Mine No. 2, Giant's Cap
  • Giant's Mirror
  • Rolling Fields
  • Motostoke Outskirts
  • North Lake Miloch
  • South Lake Miloch
  • Stony Wilderness
  • West Lake Axewell

With The Expansion Pass:

  • Challenge Road
  • Potbottom Desert
  • Soothing Wetlands

Players can find them easily in the wild?in these locations. Trainers interested in trying to get a Scraggy with its Hidden Ability can find them?in Max Raid Battles in the Dusty Bowl.

2 How To Evolve Scraggy

Scraggy In Battle

Evolving Scraggy isn't extremely complicated, unlike certain other?Pokemon. In fact, it's incredibly straightforward. All players have to do is level up their Scraggy to Level 39 and that killer tune will start, signifying that a Scrafty will soon be theirs to train. Unless they click the B button, of course. Why would they want to do that?

1 Why Hold Off On Evolving Scrafty?

Cute Scraggy

At first, it seems like there's little reason not to quickly evolve Scraggy into its strongest form. However, discerning trainers might want to be a bit crafty before they get a Scrafty (poets and didn't even know it), and wait a bit before evolving for a variety of reasons.

  • Learn Moves Faster - One of the major reasons to not evolve?Pokemon is because they learn moves faster than if they evolve. Scraggy learns vital moves like Focus Punch six levels earlier than Scrafty does. Players can also have Scraggy learn Crunch, High Jump Kick, and Head Smash far sooner.
  • Creating A Living?PokéDex - Some players enjoy catching one of each?Pokemon to put in their PC. The practice has been called a living?Pokédex, and players would need an unevolved Scraggy to do so.
  • Scraggy Is A?Beast In Little Cup - Scraggy has been a staple in Little Cup formats since it was originally added to the?games. It has a diverse movepool, a good spread of stats, and excellent typing. High Jump Kick deals a jaw-dropping amount of damage in the format, especially when combined with Swords Dance. Combine this with its ability Moxie to make it a severe sweeping threat.
  • It's Just Plain Adorable - Look, who didn't love Ash's Scraggy back in the anime? It was the fifth?Pokemon he caught in Unova and he never did evolve. Sometimes, trainers just want to use the?Pokemon they love.

NEXT:?Pokemon Sword and Shield: How to Find and Evolve Lotad