- Moltres, Zapdos, and Articuno may be appearing in Dynamax Raids from January 20 to February 3.
- The news was posted to the official Saudi Arabia Pokemon GO Twitter page but was quickly deleted.
Pokemon GO has unintentionally revealed Dynamax Raids featuring Moltres, Zapdos, and Articuno coming in late January. Dynamax Pokemon were first introduced in Pokemon GO in September 2024, but these new additions would be the first Dynamax legendaries in the game.
The three Kanto legendary birds have remained fan favorites throughout the years in the Pokemon community. As such, Pokemon GO added Moltres, Zapdos, and Articuno to raids in the game's early years, along with their Shiny forms. In 2023, Pokemon GO added the Galarian bird trio to Daily Incense spawns, though they have a lower spawn rate than common Pokemon. Since October 2024, players have been able to encounter Shiny versions of the Galarian legendary birds as well. It seems Pokemon GO plans on adding yet another version of the Kanto Birds soon, according to a now-deleted official post.

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As spotted by Reddit user nintendo101, a tweet from Pokemon GO Saudi Arabia's official account revealed that Moltres, Zapdos, and Articuno will be appearing in Dynamax Raids from January 20 to February 3. The post was soon deleted, though, which might indicate that developers were still holding onto the news. If the leak turns out to be true, having Dynamax legendary birds may help increase the popularity of Max Battles, considering that some Pokemon GO players have been avoiding Max Raids.
Pokemon GO Accidentally Reveals Moltres, Zapdos, and Articuno Dynamax Raids
The addition of the Dynamax bird trio would mean that more iconic legendary Pokemon might come to Max Raids in the following months as well. Pokemon Sword and Shield had Dynamax forms of Mewtwo, Ho-Oh, and more, so Pokemon GO's legendaries could easily get the same treatment. However, it is unclear if the legendary Max Raids would be harder than the current standard ones. Earlier in October, Pokemon GO faced backlash regarding Max Raids due to their difficulty, especially when players failed to gather 40 people for every battle. Whether these issues will be present again with Dynamax legendaries remains to be seen.
Pokemon GO has kicked off 2025 with several event announcements, one after the other. Niantic has confirmed Ralts as the focus of Pokemon GO's next Community Day Classic on January 25. There is also a new Shadow Raid Day scheduled for January 19 featuring Shadow Ho-Oh, and players can get up to seven free Raid Passes from Gyms during the event. Developers have also revealed the host cities for Pokemon GO Fest 2025, which will be Osaka, Jersey City, and Paris.
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