Over the past two weeks,?Pokemon GO's Throwback Challenge 2020 has taken players to both the Kanto and Johto regions, giving them a chance to earn numerous rewards by completing special Timed Research tasks. Now it is time for these fans to?continue their?journeys, as?PoGO's Hoenn Throwback event has arrived, and again there are a myriad of tasks for?players to take on. Before jumping in, though, some fans may want to see?the extent of the?Hoenn Throwback Challenge tasks and rewards, and indeed they?have all been collected below.

To note,?Pokemon GO's Hoenn Throwback Challenge is set to conclude on Friday, May 22 at 1pm local time, at which point the focus of this multi-part event will shift to the Sinnoh region. As such, players that are interested in unlocking the Special Research task at the end of?PoGO's Throwback Challenge 2020 should be sure to start tackling the Hoenn Throwback Research as soon as they can.

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Pokemon GO Hoenn Throwback Challenge 2020 Research Tasks and Rewards

Step One

  • Catch 3 Grass, Water, or Fire-type Pokemon (10 Poke Balls)
  • Catch a Rock-type Pokemon (500 Stardust)
  • Claim Reward (5 Rare Candy)

Rewards: Nosepass encounter, 1 Pinap Berry, 2 Razz Berries

Step Two

  • Power up a Pokemon (5 Pinap Berries)
  • Make 3 Nice Throws (Lairon encounter)
  • Catch a Fighting-type Pokemon (500 Stardust)

Rewards: Hariyama encounter, 2 Pinap Berries, 1 Razz Berry

Step Three

  • Send a Gift to a Friend (1 Incense)
  • Make 3 Curve Ball Throws (Wailmer encounter)
  • Catch an Electric-type Pokemon (500 Stardust)

Rewards: Manectric encounter, 1 Pinap Berry, 2 Razz Berries

Step Four

Rewards: Camerupt encounter, 2 Pinap Berries, 1 Razz Berry

Step Five

  • Make 3 Great Throws (Shedinja encounter)
  • Power up Pokemon 3 times (10 Great Balls)
  • Catch a Normal-type Pokemon (500 Stardust)

Rewards: Slakoth encounter, 1 Pinap Berry, 2 Razz Berries

Step Six

  • Catch a Water, Electric, or Bug-type Pokemon (10 Ultra Balls)
  • Battle another Trainer (Absol encounter)
  • Catch a Flying-type Pokemon (500 Stardust)

Rewards: Swellow encounter, 2 Pinap Berries, 1 Razz Berry

Step Seven

  • Catch a Ghost-type Pokemon (5 Revives)
  • Give your Buddy 3 treats (Charged TM)
  • Catch a Psychic-type Pokemon (500 Stardust)

Rewards: Claydol encounter, 1 Pinap Berry, 2 Razz Berries

Step Eight

  • Take a snapshot of a Water-type Pokemon (Clamperl encounter)
  • Evolve a Pokemon (Star Piece)
  • Catch a Water-type Pokemon (500 Stardust)

Rewards: Sealeo encounter, 2 Pinap Berries, 1 Razz Berry

Step Nine

  • Claim Reward (3,000 XP)
  • Claim Reward?(3,000 XP)
  • Claim Reward?(3,000 XP)

Rewards: Groudon with Fire Punch, 10 Rare Candies

Of course, Hoenn Throwback Challenge tasks are not the only things for players to enjoy this week, as Pokemon from the Hoenn region will be spawning more frequently, will be appearing in more Raids, and will be featured in 7KM eggs as well. Additionally, Shiny Skitty has been added to the game, and Hatch and Buddy Candy Distance has been halved, making it an exciting time to be a?PoGO?fan indeed.

Pokemon GO?is available now in select regions on Android and iOS devices.

MORE:?Pokemon GO: May 2020 Seedot Community Day Guide