With only its reveal trailer shown so far, Pokemon Legends: Z-A is a mysterious project which will either follow the formula of its predecessor in Arceus or break that mold with its own new structure. While the latter has been hinted at through the singular focus on Lumiose City that was featured in the trailer, even this route wouldn't necessarily mean that Pokemon Legends: Z-A can't still bring more context to the rest of the Kalos region.

By being set in Sinnoh during a time when it was known as the Hisui region, Legends: Arceus was able to shine an entirely new light on an established part of the franchise which remained untouched for years. While being set solely within one city would mean that Legends: Z-A can't give the same treatment to the entirety of its own region, other cities and towns might still find a place if they are somehow represented within the bounds of Lumiose.

Pokemon Legends: Z-A is Already Leaving the Door Open for Clear DLC Options

With the setting of Pokemon Legends: Z-A practically confirmed, the upcoming title's scale could indicate a new release plan following its launch.


Represention of Kalos Through Potential Key NPCs in Lumiose

The Identities of Pokemon and Y's Locations Can Be Reflected in Trainers

The inclusion of NPCs capable of embodying the spirit of respective locations could be a way to integrate the broader region of Kalos into one city. Whether they serve as quest-givers, sources of lore, or challenging roadblocks, this content has the potential to showcase what makes various places from X and Y unique. Example might include:

  • Shalour City - With its ties to the seemingly prominent Mega Evolution mechanic in Legends: Z-A, having a character in the vein of Korrina who guides the player through this concept would be a natural fit.
  • Santalune City - While its signature forest and early gym may be absent, these tend to be core aspects of Pokemon as a whole which might be missed in an urban environment. If a new trainer can match the appeal of Viola, however, Bug-types are less likely to fall by the wayside.
  • Laverre City - With the emphasis that X and Y placed on fashion and customization, a character associated with Fairy-types like the gym leader Valerie could help to demonstrate these features if they are as important within Z-A.

Legends Z-A's Unknown Timeline Presents Different Routes

With it being unknown if the next Legends title will follow Arceus by being set within the past or instead venture into the future, familiar faces are just as likely to appear as their ancestors or descendants. Considering that the story around the possibly immortal king AZ in Pokemon X and Y has been an area of speculation since the original Kalos games, however, a character like him may have a role no matter what direction Z-A goes in.

Kalos' Iconic Landmarks Outside Lumiose Need Homages

A Region Set Up for Historical and Cultural References

It is still a massive area compared to similar places across the greater series, but Lumiose City could ultimately be broken down into a few avenues and boulevards in its original incarnation. If Legends: Z-A dials up its scale to the point that this city is the game's entire map though, it will need a creative approach to expanding on its offerings to honor the rest of the Kalos region. Major landmarks which shouldn't be forgotten can be found in places such as:

  • Anistar City - The enigmatic Sundial structure and its ties to Megas will be tough to ignore, and it could easily tie into the presence of new Mega Evolutions in Legends: Z-A with a different iteration.
  • Geosenge Town - Known for its role in the creation of the Ultimate Weapon, the ancient power of this location might tie into the story through a new area of Lumiose based around it.
  • Parfum Palace - As both an iconic place in the series due to its fireworks scene and an area tied to the history of the region, a similar structure or zone could have a powerful impact on recapturing the tone of X and Y in Pokemon Legends: Z-A.
pokemon legends za vertical

The sequel to Pokemon Legends: Arceus, Pokemon Legends: Z-A takes Pokemon trainers back to the Kalos region's Lumiose City.

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